Helpful acronym for AP English lit

<p>Hey guys, to those taking ap english lit, I would like to share this technique my teacher created for writing thr prose and poetry portion of the free response essays. This acronym helps to use literary devices into your essays. So if you freak out after reading a passage or a poetey of the exam this can help you find literary elements, to help you figure what you can write about before tackling the essay. Its called FID CAN SPIT.</p>

<p>Figurative language (metaphor, simile, personification...)

Anaphora (parallel structure, repition of a work or phrase)
Narration (types of point of view, i.e 1st or 3rd person of limited or omniscent view)</p>

<p>Structure (notice how its written, ie simple senteces, complex, long-winded, etc)
Paragraph Structure
Irony (is it satirical)
Tone (key diction, juxtaposition)</p>

<p>I hope this helps and good luck. I find very helpful jotting down quick references when remebering FID CAN SPIT. Hope you guys can.</p>

<p>I’m saving this. Bump.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot! I appreciate this. :)</p>

<p>This could probably be helpful through college as well.</p>

<p>Keep this active please, AP testing starts in few weeks. :D</p>


<p>thanks a lot for sharing this tactic~
appreciate it!!</p>

<p>Haha, I think I might share this with my Lit teacher; he’d think it’s pretty clever. Thanks!</p>

<p>bump again</p>

<p>helpful for AP Lang too!

<p>i need to get a 5 on this test </p>

<p>thank you</p>

<p>bump! This is fun</p>

<p>ya i need a 5 too. my AP lit class is more focused on IB than AP so I don’t feel too prepared as of right now. also, i only got a 4 on lang so i want a 5!!</p>

<p>awesome - should also help for AP eng lang. thanks!</p>


<p>bump…1 and a half week left</p>

<p>ya! this is very helpful. In that moment of truth, we’ll be thinking that phrase!</p>


<p>I second that bump</p>

<p>Bump bump bump!</p>

<p>I know its late but w/e Good luck you lucky ppls, thank god im not taking it</p>