Helpful info thread for new Hokies

<p>Hi ,
I am Tunisian. I was accepted in Vtech as an international freshman (university studies) even though I applied for general engineering.
Ive read about transfering to general engineering but I would like to have more details.
I also was accepted in Ohio State University and Im writing this mainly to know why I should choose VT instead of OSU. Thank you</p>

<p>Bumping for new people.</p>


<p>I need to point this out. In my intro ENGE 1114 class (the infamous weed-out class) yesterday a student was given a zero on his assignment because he did not have a tablet PC. He was using a mac with an external tablet, but the TA said it was unacceptable and told the student he would be given a zero on the assignment.</p>

<p>I don’t know if they changed policies (last semester in ENGE 1024 they did NOT care). It may have been that I just have an arrogant TA, but just keep this in mind.</p>

<p>In other news, ENGE 1114 is just about as stupid and pointless as 1024. Enjoy!</p>

<p>Was it because it was a Mac? I don’t see how the TA would even know if the assignment was done on a tablet or a standalone tablet.</p>

<p>I going to try to find that out next week when I see that kid again (he was sitting right next to me). Basically, the TA just went around to check if everyone had the correct computer reqs, and when the TA went up to him he said that his computer wasn’t the type specified by college of eng. </p>

<p>Idk, though, maybe my TA is one of those guys who hates Macs…</p>

<p>I think that that guy would have a pretty solid case if he went to the dean and said he could do all of the work on his set up that someone with a tablet could. I’ve always shied away from recommending the standalone tablet solution since I didn’t do it and I was a little worried that there could be some issues down the road, but I can’t see them giving 0s on assignments that are done exactly to standard.</p>

<p>That must have been a real duche of a TA. When I was in those classes the teachers would frequently walk around and peer over our shoulders while we were working. I happened to see the advice of buying the bamboo tablet and never bought a tablet pc so I didn’t have what everyone else had. Yet, the teachers never said anything. Many of the students next to me would comment on it but teachers kept their mouth shut. At first its real nerve wracking knowing that you don’t have what everyone else has and knowing that its “against” school policy. But once you realize you truly can do what everyone else does and you gain that experience/confidence in working with the bamboo tablet you should have no problem standing up to a teacher and proving it. You have to remember that most of the time the teachers are evaluating your work after class when you submitted it online. So as long as you do your work, and do it neatly, the teachers shouldn’t be able to tell the difference. If they can then you should look in the mirror.</p>

<p>Bumping for all the newly admitted people.</p>

<p>I am having a hard time deciding on how to find a roommate.I was considering meeting someone through fb that lives close to me(for driving purposes). I also have a friend that could be a potential roommate, and there is always random. What do you all think is the best path to take in finding someone to room with?</p>

<p>I don’t know if this is relative to the thread but if anyone can be of help…I was accepted a few days ago and intend to go to Va tech. I put down biochemistry as my major but plan to major in something completely different, how do I change it to what I am actually going to do?</p>