
<p>So here's the thing- my SAT score is probably my weakest aspect of my application. I've taken it 3 times, and my highest score is a 2190, with a 2260 using college board score choice. I want to get in to a BS/MD Program, and I know that I meet the requirement scores for most of them, but I also know that my score isn't "amazing". Besides my score, the rest of my application is pretty good (good GPA/Rank, clinical exposure, volunteering, etc.). I've been diligently studying for about an hour/ hour and a half everyday, and even taking practice tests once a week in hopes of retaking it in October- I'm thinking that a 2200+ with a 2300+ score choice score would really help. But a part of me keeps saying that 4 times is way too much.. I mean I'm not going to send this score to any colleges until I see it 1st, so I guess I have nothing to lose (I'm going to submit my other three scores b4 this one comes back). Suggestions?</p>

<p>I don’t think there will be much of a difference between a 2190 and 2200. I suggest trying to brush up the other parts of your app like ECs. But if you are really determined to get a higher grade then I guess no one can stop you, lol</p>

<p>I don’t see how scoring in the 99th percentile isn’t amazing…</p>

<p>Yeah I guess- it’s just that I see kids with 2300’s so I guess I’m a little intimidated?</p>

<p>Yep. You’re scores are very competitive. College Confidential tends to be well…not representative of the real world of SAT/ACT scores.</p>

<p>I remember that in one thread someone summed it up perfectly.


<p>Don’t be intimidated, you have very high scores.</p>

<p>Thanks 1253… just wondering- Would taking it 4 times be considered excessive?</p>

<p>Just borderline. If you have studied really hard and think your score will be higher, I would personally go for it. There is no point in living with perpetual "What If?"s. Plus, with score choice, you won’t have to send to colleges all of your scores but that depends on which colleges you are looking at. So…I guess my next question is what colleges are you looking at?</p>

<p>Definitely the upper level ones (Ivies, Stanford Rice, etc…) along with BS/MD programs.
Most of them respect score choice.</p>

<p>If most of them respect score choice, by all means go for it! You can only send them two scores and they won’t even know you took it four times. And even if they don’t respect score choice, they probably wouldn’t care. So I say study hard and go for the retake.</p>