Here We Go Again

<p>Another year, another rediculous article (TIME magazine) about how smaller no-name schools are just as good as the Ivies, if not better. Sure, they may be. But to imply that Ivies don’t matter anymore is silly. They still provide a good education.</p>

<p><a href=“,9171,1226150,00.html[/url]”>,9171,1226150,00.html</a></p>

<p>The article isn't implying that ivy's are no good, but instead that smaller schools shouldn't automatically be dismissed as subpar universities. The article is focused towards students who aren't ivy-caliber still looking for a good college education, so don't get offended that other non-ivy league schools may still provide a good education (God Forbid!)</p>

<p>ill be damned if i was a hispanic and didnt get into harvard.</p>

<p>This article is also for those people who have discovered that they were smart at a later part of thier lives. I agree with that. It gives people more hope beyond ivies in order to get a very good education.</p>

<p>Also, I'd hardly call those schools "no-name schools." They may not have the world-wide reputation and name recognition of Harvard, but they most certainly have established pretty good name recognition for themselves in the US.</p>

<p>I think these "no name schools" have established good name recongnition in their state or bordering states. But not on the national level.</p>




<p>lol.....hehehe *nervous laughter</p>