<p>I'm a junior this year and through my first 2 years I didn't really care to much about school, I knew the stuff but really didn't do any of the homework. My freshman year I got about a 3.0 and my first semester of my sophomore year I got about a 3.0 too. My second semester I really started caring and got a 4.0, this year so far I have to 4.0 too. Last summer I decided I wanted to go to Cornell, along with a few other possible choices, Cornell is my main one though. Is it still possible for me to go to Cornell if I continue to get a 4.0 and score well on my Sat's & ACT's. I have good extracurriculars too. Thanks.</p>
<p>Colleges like to see improving scores. Keep up the good work, prepare for the SAT/ACT and get involved in EC’s that you can be passionate about. Don’t rest all your hopes on one school.</p>
<p>Yeah I’m not gonna just think about that school, I have other schools too but Cornell just seems to perfect.</p>