Here's the thing: I'm NOT Early Response

<p>And I'm really confused.</p>

<p>I'm not getting it by this 24th of course, but when should I expect it by? My application was complete about 15 days after the ER deadline.</p>

<p>I called those folks up and they said my application has recently been marked as complete and ready for review. I'm just terribly confused as to if they will only release these decisions in February/March or if they will come in sometime before that.</p>

<p>What a likely estimate?</p>


<p>i’d say mid-april</p>

<p>Depends on the quality of your application vis-a-vis others they receive. If you’re a stellar candidate, you may hear pretty promptly. If you’re a more typical candidate, then you may have to wait as U-M sees how things are shaking out in terms of the class, early yield, and how many spaces are available for students with a profile like yours.</p>

<p>since u got it in early I’d say before march maybe before February</p>

<p>i second the above.</p>

<p>Arg. I applied 11/21…</p>

<p>my son also applied Nov,21st, everything in.</p>

<p>I applied 12/2 and I got an acceptance letter today.</p>

<p>I applied in mid-November and got my acceptance letter on December 11</p>

<p>if you have a stellar app, you’ll hear quickly; if it’s not so stellar but it still has some impressive qualities, I’d say January or February; if it’s an average app, then March</p>

<p>after Nov. 1 it is Rolling Decision, so I’d say you should hear soon. You could probably check online to see your application status…if not soon, probably by february</p>

<p>Thank you for the extensive replies…</p>

<p>I’m an international.</p>

<p>IB Final Score 38/45, SAT 1 2170, SAT2 720Math 800Phy, school of engineering.</p>

<p>Stellar or not, you decide. Seems like the general consensus is around Feb… let’s seeeee.</p>

<p>Your stats are pretty good. I think you’ll probably find out in January or February.</p>

<p>I applied 11/15 and got accepted today</p>

<p>y doesnt anyone indicate whether they’re american or intl, it makes a big time difference (mail/WA/email).</p>

<p>I applied 11/19, but my school report was received 12/2. I still haven’t heard back yet.
Here’s my stats
Asian OOS
Rank: top 2% Regorous senior schedule. 4.0 GPA
SAT- math 770 (highest was 790) reading 760 writing 740
SAT II- 750 US History, 800 Math 2, 760 Chemistry
ACT-34 superscored: English-35 reading-35 math-36 science-35 essay-8 (that kinda sucked)
Taken 4 APs with 3 fives and 1 four. Taking 4 APs senior year
Been in band for 8 years. Section leader and been selected for state honor bands.
Doing research at an university near by
Volunteered at hospital during summer
3 leadership positions at school
Many school awards
National Merit Semifinalist
AP Scholar w/ Honor
Been in a state scholars program past summer
Working part-time during weekends.
Over 300 Volunteer hrs.</p>

<p>I submitted my last thing in mid November and got accepted a couple of weeks ago.</p>

<p>lol…that is NOT fair. i submitted everything b4 10/31, and still havent heard a thing.</p>

<p>When will their admissions office open?</p>

<p>jan 5 CST…</p>