hey guys I need some independent study advice

<p>I'm a junior and I took SAT school whole summer which didn't really did me any good, so currently I'm trying to independent studies. Is there any other efficient ways to study rather than using collegeboard book, and learning voc? I need help organizing my time better.
is there any online practice test other than collegeboard on that I can print out for free to test?
took Jan. test hoping to get somewhere around 1700-1800 first time taking it!!!</p>

<p>The real practice tests are the best. I have also heard that Grammatix is great for CR. Besides the bluebook (which I think has 8 practice tests), there is the older red book (also put out by College Board) which has 10 more tests. Just take practice tests, then go over the questions you got wrong to figure out why AND the ones you got right to see what you did right.</p>

<p>I used a combination of SAT Flashcards, CB Blue book, Dr. Gruber’s book, and a dash of SAT Prep class. </p>

<p>Take as many practice tests as you can. For me, I took 20 practice tests in 4 months and a decent SAT Prep class, and raised my score by almost 600 points.</p>

<p>When you study vocabulary, get a notebook and write down the word, definition, and your own sentence using that word. It is much more time-consuming than just looking at flashcards, but this method is as 1000 times effective as flipping cards.</p>

<p>Writing and Math are my natural strengths, so I didn’t do a lot of studying for them. However, I spent some time researching some stuff that might be useful for the essay.</p>

<p>Punkdude, you might take a look at this.</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/68210-xiggi-s-sat-prep-advice.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/68210-xiggi-s-sat-prep-advice.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hope it helps.</p>