<p>My weighted gpa so far is 4.01 but i want to know what my unweighted is. My school doesnt tell us. Can u guys tell me around what it could be. Our grading scale is pretty average. I really wanna know what it is. Probably around 3.7 right??</p>
<p>My school wouldn't even calculate PE into a GPA, </p>
<p>No weight at all for any course except AP and must be a 95 + to get 1.0 added to your final grade, so 95 would be a 96 ONLY in ap course if you get 95 or better. nada for honors</p>
<p>BOy some of the weigthing is insane, </p>
<p>we only get GPA for core courses and foreign languages, no electives can be calculated into it.</p>
<p>If your school doesn't use a standard grading scale, you'll have to ask each teacher for what they use. I think the easiest thing to do here is to ask your guidance counselor what your unweighted GPA is.</p>