hey new jerseyites :)

<p>hi i'm a junior this year and i was wondering if anybody who lived in like new jersey and is a medical intern could give me some tips? i want to be a medical intern but i have no idea how to start so could anyone help me please</p>

<p>Well, the first thing you should know is that NJ is the best state EVER.</p>

<p>New Jersey smells. Well okay, not all of it. But whenever I go through the GW bridge…There’s always this point where I wonder if someone just made the most massive fart in the world. Then I realize, I’m in NJ.</p>

<p>^That’s about .01% of New Jersey. We have the best food, the coolest people, and the greatest beaches (trust me, as a summer local I know that they are NOTHING like what you see on “Jersey Shore”). You WISH you lived in Jersey.</p>

<p>I love NJ beaches. They’re awesome. Some pizza places taste aweful though.</p>

<p>NJ FTW!!</p>

<p>Someone should really help the OP.</p>

<p>To the OP: Perhaps try the Med School forums?</p>