<p>This will be my first post I make on CC. I've actually been following the threads and posts here for quite some time..even before I registered. Truthfully, I was kind of a stalker..until now! :) I am waiting for the 15th just like many of you guys are for SCEA. I wasn't sure if I ever was going to post anything, but I couldn't resist being a part of a community I can relate to so well. I've shared the same emotions that many of you have expressing. I thought that IF I do get into Yale, it would be interesting to meet some of you there. I just wanted to finally introduce myself. I'm from Maryland, but I attend school in Washington D.C. I like philosophy and photography. If you'd like to know more, ask! & good luck to everyone!!!</p>
<p>oooh do you go to georgetown day or sidwell friends?!?!</p>
<p>Nope. St. John’s College High School</p>
<p>more maryland people? / welcome!</p>
<p>Hey, welcome to the forums! It’s great to have another SCEA-er aboard :)</p>
<p>Please try not to be too scared by the insanity that will inevitably start to appear on these boards (if the boards of the schools that have ED/EA notification dates in the next few days are any indication. I mean, the Cornell kids are talking about Inner Eyes and writing haikus, the Columbia kids are calling FedEx four times a day, and the Stanford kids have been trying to find glitches in the student ID system for the past few days.) There’s really no telling what exactly is going to happen on these boards, so please don’t be scared off! :)</p>
<p>Again, welcome! I see that our resident legacy/URM has already appeared :P</p>
<p>waiiiiiittt… me?</p>
<p>Haha the insanity won’t scare me off. I’ve already grown an attachment here. I would like to add that I thought you were talking about me for a second because I am a legacy also. My father attended Yale Divinity School. </p>
<p>Right now, I am contemplating whether or not I should join the facebook group that I saw a while back…hmmm :P</p>
<p>oooh can you please join it! it’s my baby!!!</p>
<p>st. johns, good thing you like philosophy!</p>
<p>Yay for MD’ers! Yay for philosophy lovers! :D</p>
<p>Wait, what facebook group? :/</p>
<p>mistofthekane, why’s that?</p>
<p>the facebook group is titled:</p>
<p>Y>HPSM </p>
<p>if you search for it, it should come up</p>
<p>cool stuff xD but since I’m starting to be really superstitious, I’ll join it after Dec. 15th. I read somewhere about this group of Yale hopefuls who made a Facebook group about loving Yale… and none of them got accepted =o</p>
<p>You make me feel bad for joining lol</p>
<p>Join the Dark Side of the force, s1mp13x.</p>
<p>AND I’m not doing your Fafsa form. ^_^</p>
<p>Haha it’ll probably be fine, I’m just being overly careful ;)</p>
<p>Bob, I am your… UNCLE!</p>
<p>Welcome s1mpl3x! I am new here myself. I finally found a place on the internet where there are people exactly like me lol.</p>
<p>Remember that this is not your life, however. 1000 posts will not help you get into ANY college.</p>
<p>Shoot, then why have I spent so much time posting??? >:[ Darn.</p>