<p>i posted a lot during winter break on my tough story of academic probation and adhd/nvld anxiety and depression im back to update you all...Im getting straight A's right now in my classes which makes me extremely happy. I went from probation too straight A's. im on anxiety meds and clearly im doing well in school. I have more drive too do my work and im helping my friends with their hw. I have to admit im even able to correct more of my grammar now by myself(however on posts its harder for me 2), and im getting more and more praise for my strong work. I make it too every class infact friday will b the first and only class i miss b/c i need too leave a little early for airport, i already told my professor the homework due that day was already handed out and im almost done.</p>
<p>I was just thinking about you. I’m glad it’s going better. Do you think it’s just the meds? How much help are you getting from the school? I requested info from Lynn several months ago, but never got it. Makes me wonder!</p>
<p>they are busy lol they’re redeveloping im getting a lot of help…im taking four classes 3 of them history this semester…so im happy lynn makes me happy theres a lot of visits going on every day i see atleast one campus tour a day b/c the sample room is the next dorm room over(the remade by bed bath and beyond show room) from me</p>
<p>Congratulations Lynngirl! Thanks for the update.</p>
<p>ive got bad news i had a mental break down crash and spending rest of semester at home in and out of psychiatric treatment to b honest i just was in a mental hospital for 1.5 wks i had break down during spring break and couldnt pull my self out of it and i checked myself into it w/ my parents help and guidance we found a very alternative private hospital</p>
<p>congrats and good luck!!</p>
<p>Oh, Lynngirl, I’m sorry things aren’t going well. Hang in there. Maybe you can find a school that’s closer to your parents, as sometimes kids need that support, too. Lynn sounds like a great school, but I think I would worry too much about my daughter being so far away.</p>
<p>I did want to congratulate you on getting your drivers’ permit. I saw your post on the College Life board. That is a major accomplishment and I’m sorry about that one kid who made fun of your accomplishment. Unfortunately there are some insensitive and rude kids posting on these forums.</p>
<p>Hang in there, Lynngirl. So sorry to read about the setback, and hope things are going better for you very soon.</p>
<p>Lynngirl, We are all sending healing thoughts your way. Depression is a tough one. I’m sure you will be able to follow all of your dreams once you are better. Many people need an extra year to finish college fro one reason or another so do not feel bad about having to take time off. Hope you feel better soon!</p>