Ahhh definitely bombed the first few tests of the semester!

<p>Not cool.</p>

<p>My semester grades were excellent...im quite proud of myself! But, it took A TON of studying to get it up to par. Finals just finished two weeks ago...so im still recovering from the countless late nights filled with stress. NOW they are back AGAIN! </p>

<p>Only this time I really didnt study my a** off at all...and definitely did horrible on my first few tests in some classes this semsester.</p>

<p>Idk whats wrong! This ALWAYS happens to me at the beginning of second semester...it takes too long for me to get back into the "zone" after so much stress from last semester. </p>

<p>Im constantly spending my time looking for other random stuff instead of studying and now my first few grades are already sufferring and the quarter just began!</p>

<p>ahhh, anyone in the same position!?!?!!</p>

<p>Just think of your first-choice college/dream school, and remind yourself that if you don’t start studying NOW you will be hurting your chances of getting in. That always works for me.</p>

<p>Aw man you just described my exact position! And it’s harder for me to get motivated now that I already know where I’m going to school.</p>

<p>I got straight A’s last semester, which took some work and I am proud of, but my second semester has not started well at all. A couple of poor quiz grades in AP Chem and AP English have really put me in the hole…I actually thought 2nd semester senior year would be easier, but damn I am getting owned right now. After all the crap I went through to get straight A’s it’s as if I want to take a big break from doing schoolwork - this attitude has caught up to me. I really need to get my ass together and get a few of my grades back up.</p>

<p>With tennis season coming up and with work, things won’t be getting easier any time soon though… :frowning: I just wish school would get the hell over with already.</p>

<p>I’m just hoping I didn’t bomb the last few tests of the first semester! <em>wishes</em></p>

<p>Ah, same problem -_-
I totally screwed up my math tests i just took, and i’m extremely nervous.
Hopefully, though, if my grades improve along the semester, it won’t affect my final grade much.</p>