<p>Hi everyone,
my name is Robbie and I am from Switzerland.
I am worried that my crappy SATs scores will hinder my academic profile:
I have a 3.8 GPA,on the school's honor roll, I am completing the IB diploma and will receive a full bilingual diploma in french.
I am taking 4 Higher Level Courses (the required number is 3, i am taking 4)(grades out of 7):
IB HL A1 English: 6
IB HL A2 French: 6
IB HL Economics: 6/7
IB HL History: 6
Standard Level courses:
IB SL Math: 7
IB SL Biology: 5
- I have taken 3 times the SAT desperately seeking to improve them alas I cannot go over 600 (CR 520) (M 550) (W 550)
I also do 3hrs/week of community service for the past year and I speak three languages fully (english french and german). My essay is extremely strong aswell as my recommendations. Additionally, I play soccer at a national level here in Switzerland, I love soccer.</p>
<p>I am freaked out and I feel that I am going to be rejected against people who have lower gpa but higher SAT scores. </p>
<p>What do you think?</p>
<p>Thanks everyone</p>