High Grades in a not well known HS?

My school is not well known for sending kids off the the ivies. I have very high grades but will my school’s small size and almost non-existent reputation hurt me?

Once you send them your application, they’ll know everything they need to know. It’s all about you, not the HS you went to.

But, I also have to point out that being a big fish in a small pond can be misleading as to your actual competitiveness for “Ivies”.

@JustOneDad don’t worry I know it! Really prepping a lot for sats, I’m hoping that will help me stand out. Thank you!

I presume you have very near to a 4.0 GPA? Is that rare at your school?

@JustOneDad I don’t know if i would call it rare, but I’m roughly top 5 in my class and take the hardest classes I’m able to take, I just don’t know if it’s enough because other schools look like they have larger, more rigorous programs.

If it looks like that, then they likely do.

Moreover, every HS has a top 5 and there are about 25,000 of them for a total of 125,000 “top 5” students.

And there are about 20,000 seats at the Ivies each year.

@JustOneDad do you think lack of options will work against me when applying?

“Lack of options”? Which options are you referring to?

@JustOneDad options for classes, my school doesn’t offer a wide range of AP courses and we have a mandatory theology requirement which prevents me from taking the amount of classes I would like. sorry for not being clear.

No, it does not hurt you. That sort of thing is beyond your control.

Admissions committees want to see that you have made the most of the options that ARE available to you, however.