High Point University- Check it out

Absolutely! So many other things! But I will say it is far more than a “Country Club!” As a parent, I also appreciate the communication the school continually provides, as they recognize it is a partnership!

I also value the service mindset they instill. My daughter put in over 100 volunteer hours this year alone within the community!


Thank you for the additional information. I’m glad your D is enjoying her college experience!


High Point University was placed on warning status by its accreditor earlier this summer. The deficiencies that led to this decision will be reexamined in June 2024, at which time HPU will either have the warning removed, have the warning extended, or lose its accreditation altogether.

I have not seen a comment from Barbara Corcoran or Dean Cain on this.


Seems like a just a few communication issues, and nothing of concerning substance (not saying they shouldn’t have been more detailed oriented), from the article:

As far as support services, he said the commission faulted the university for failing to adequately answer how it provides certain services to students taking online classes.

Adams said support services — such as counseling and academic advising — are available to online students through various methods, such as by phone or video chat. But while the university stated it provides the services, Adams said, it didn’t adequately explain how they do so to the commission.

He said, for a couple academic programs, there appears to a be a failure to explain all of those steps in the student outcome measurement cycle. He declined to name the specific programs and said the issues relate to information left out of the documentation the university submitted rather than skipped steps in the evaluation.

Finally, he said, the university was supposed to add a sentence to a statement on the school’s website about accreditation, due to a change made by the Southern Association of Colleges, but missed doing that in time. That’s since been rectified.


Yes, the trained public-relations professional in High Point University’s employ insists there’s nothing to see here; I guess that settles that.


As a parent who has a child attend High Point this was released back in June, not new news. It was like many schools due to a small issue in grad program/online school. If you actually go read information from the accreditation website many schools go through this including big colleges that get all the positive attention!

But the difference is that students and parents at the other schools seem diligent about getting information, figuring out why there is an accreditation issue. Somehow at High Point, the rules of gravity have been suspended and everyone is assured “nothing to see here”.

Sometimes the accreditation process uncovers major academic, financial, and integrity issues. And sometimes it’s just paperwork that needs to be filed in the correct order. There is no reason why people should be shut down for asking the question.

Losing (or never getting) accreditation is not important in some fields, modestly important in others, and critically important in some. The public has a right to know the status of HP’s issues and how it impacts student outcomes.


First and foremost, the university is not in jeopardy of losing its accreditation. Warnings are a simple process equivalent
to requesting more information. Their accreditation team is taking quick action to submit that information and request an expedited review from SACS to clear this up and move on. As an HPU parent of several years, I have experienced first hand the dedication Dr Qubein and his team have towards making HPU an incredible institution. This will be no different.

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Every time a person with an honorary doctorate insists on being called “Doctor”, an accrediting angel loses its wings.


Thankfully, Dr Qubein does not. Students and parents can be heard frequently calling him Nido. I see it everytime I’m on campus. He’s quite popular and very approachable!!

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I’ll assume we’re done discussing the correct use of title associated with honorary doctorates on this thread.

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Communication was provided in regards to the accreditation concerns to families as all schools. The concern arrose in June not August when the local media decided they needed a story.

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The press does its job. Every time the Yale Endowment loses a few million dollars (off of a base of 40 billion or so- so it’s not like they’d miss it) it’s big news in the local papers.

That’s how journalism works. They report on what is happening. NYU evicts five families who are squatting and not paying rent, so they can tear down a decrepit building they bought to build a dormitory- its in the news. That’s how it works, right?

If you don’t like what they are reporting, turn the page.


As someone interested in this school for my child, I happen to like the country club environment, opposed to the urban city life that is the current experience. I believe there is a place for every student, and I enjoy hearing people’s experiences that align with my current situation. If I can learn a few things from a parent living in a situation I may embark on, then bonus points there.


Hello! I have a 2022 HPU graduate. Happy to answer any specific questions you might have. We have been thrilled with the education our daughter received, her professors, the campus, and the internships. She was offered full time employment a few months prior to graduation. Let me know if i can answer anything for you.


Great to hear and congrats to her on her positive and new found career.


I am grateful for this place my daughter decided on, and agree with everything you said!!!

From intitial context, I assumed that a prominent dean at HPU endorsed the school through the attendance of one of his children. From further context, I believe I was way off on this.

Actual lol, congratulations

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