<p>Does anyone have any comments or reviews on this University? Financial aid offered by school seemed like bait and switch?</p>
<p>My best friend will be attending HPU for Fall 2008. She comes from North Jersey, so it will be quite an adjustment. She fell absolutely in love with the campus. I saw the pictures and was blown away. The dorms look more like apartments. They even have a free ice-cream truck. Concerts and events frequent the campus. Apparently, everyone was very friendly and down to earth. It is relatively close to Greensboro. A lot of crossover applicants applied to Elon, also in NC. Hope that helped!</p>
<p>What do you think of the scholarships offered? We felt like it was bait and switch. We attended scholarship weekend but our financial package was not what was expected, even though we were given the impression that my package would be generous</p>
<p>Does anyone have any insight into the Presidential Scholarships at High Point? Do all students who interview get at least the minimum (I think it’s $2000 per year)? Not exepcting to get a full tuition scholarship, but would like to at least get something!</p>
<p>Here’s the link to the thread with an article about high point. doesn’t mention anything about the scholarships, but it’s more related to what lasercat posted. </p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-life/532640-college-high-life.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-life/532640-college-high-life.html</a></p>
<p>The letters are due out by Jan 4th to see if you’re invited to the scholarship weekend. Does anyone know if the letters go/went out all at once? The timing seems strange since its during the holidays. I know some people have received their letters so now I’m curious.</p>
<p>What was the scholarship weekend like - to those who were invited last year?</p>
<p>My son submitted his application online for the scholarship on 12/17 and received his invitation in the mail on 12/19 (we live in North Carolina). We could not believe how quickly we received the invite. </p>
<p>I would also be curious if any students/parents had any insights from last year. What would you recommend my son wear for the dinner and interviews? Any information would be greatly appreciated.</p>
<p>Did anyone who applied ED (binding) receive an invitation for scholarship weekend and does anyone know if invitations for both weekends went out at the same time?</p>
<p>And… if anyone has insight from last year it would be great to hear more. thanks</p>
<p>My son applied early action and received an invite. Any insight from the last several years would be greatly appreciated.</p>
<p>I noticed that jlsniff mentioned the amount offered was not what was expected. My son’s school counselor also mentioned that happened to a student at our school last year. Could it be the student misreading what he/she is being told?</p>
<p>Be thankful they now have 2 weekends, when we attended in Feb 2007 it was mobbed. The turn around time from application to invite was very short, so short our daughter wondered if they even read the essays. High Point knows how to market. The dinner attire was mostly sport coats or suits for the boys and dads. Girls and moms were in suits or dresses. Each table has an academic rep who was very friendly. All talk was mainly dinner chatter. A couple of short welcoming speeches and entertainment by a choral group.
After breakfast Saturday morning, the students attended workshops and the interviews while the parents went a workshop by the President and other officials. Also entertained by a men’s singing group. There were other workshops for the parents on fin aid, services offered to students, etc. Lunch tickets were also provided. Tours were available for those who had not been on campus before.
All the interviews finished by 3:30 and then a reception was held with academic profs at individual tables to talk to any applicant and/or parent.
It was a long day and the scholarship offer was received within 2 weeks and again High Point does even that in a special way. We found that their total package was about the same as every other one we received. What the scholarship did not cover they made up for with grants. The only difference was that our state provides $3000 if the student attends any college in the state, depending on the parents income of course.
Our daughter chose not to attend High Point because of the distance from home, considered transferring after freshman year and then decided to stay where she is.
To all attending the week end I am sure you will enjoy it and I wish your student the best.</p>
<p>After applying for the scholarship did anyone receive an email confirmation with last years dates?</p>
<p>My son received his invite in the mail this year. The only e-mail he received was an acknowledgment of receipt of the scholarship application.</p>
<p>The dinner dress sounds a little more formal than previous posters. I was not planning on purchasing a suit for my son. I thought khakis and a blue sport coat and tie would suffice. </p>
<p>cmbmom - do you think khakis and a sport coat/tie would be adequate? Did most of the boys have suits? I am sure my husband was not planning on wearing a suit either. Do you remember if the reception on the second day was required? I also thought they could not have possibly even read his essays in such a short time.</p>
<p>cathy - the khakis, tie and sport coat will be fine (and he can wear the same thing on Saturday), same thing for your husband (but he can go very casual on Saturday). The reception was not required, but they did have a folder for each applicant to pick up by name - though I cannot remember what was in it. </p>
<p>Hope you have a great weekend.</p>
<p>My D went to scholarship weekend last year and is now attending HPU. cmbmom gave a good recap of the weekend. My D received about what we expected in terms of scholarship $. Although I don’t know for sure, I believe that amounts are based more on stats rather than essays, interviews, etc. My D’s two best friends recieved the same amount and they all had very similar SAT scores. FYI D had 1140 (math and verbal), 3.7 GPA and received $5000/yr. She really loves HPU and is thriving there!</p>
<p>Thanks so much for all the info. It has been extremely helpful.</p>
<p>The School of Business at High Point University is NOT AACSP-accredited and is NOT in a position to be AACSP-accredited.</p>
<p>The school HAS ZERO Ph.D.s in Accounting on their faculty. The School of Business “Dean” has a Ph.D. in Business Education, NOT a a content area such as Accounting, Management, Marketing, I.T. (This “Dean” is barely employable because he holds this degree of this degree. If he is dismissed, he probably will not be able to get a job at a community college.)</p>
<p>The Chair of the Accounting program has an MBA, his highest level of education.</p>
<p>The School of Business IS accredited by ACBSP, the same body that accredits the University of Phoenix online.</p>
<p>Yeah, but the University of Phoenix degree doesn’t come with free ice cream. :rolleyes:</p>
<p>The school HAS ZERO Ph.D.s in Accounting: This is not true. Check HPUs website. </p>
<p>Additionally, when evaluating business schools, I would be careful equating quality of instruction with the number of faculty who have doctorates. Would you rather have your child taught by a Ph.D. in accounting with little accounting experience or a Masters level CPA with many years of experience? My choice would be the latter. </p>
<p>PhDs in accounting do not necessarily have more accounting knowledge than CPAs, especially experienced CPAs. PhDs typically bring academic research skills to the table. For teaching business and accounting students, the CPA often adds as much or more value than the Ph.D. </p>
<p>The Chair of the Accounting Program mentioned is brilliant. No, he does not have a Ph.D. He spent years working for a Big Four accounting firm. I am confident he has more accounting knowledge than most Ph.D.s in accounting. </p>
<p>Business deans become deans many different ways. While most come through the traditional PhD single business discipline route, some very good deans come from the business world armed with an MBA or a doctorate in another field such as business educationwhich prepares a dean for curriculum and instruction design and implementation. </p>
<p>The business dean at High Point University has business experience in the finance and banking field. He has an MBA and has taught in many disciplines such as finance, management, marketing, information systems, statistics, and business communications. You would be hard pressed to find another dean with such broad teaching experience, let alone with the qualifications to be able to teach in all these areas. </p>
<p>Simply, there is more than one model for success as a dean or professor, just like there are many successful business people who hold a variety of degrees. </p>
<p>One other correction: HPU is not accredited by ACBSP.</p>