High prices of grocery in T-Town

<p>I was looking to buy milk in Publix. Noticed that the price is well above $4.00. Later I noticed that everything is very expensive in all grocery stores. Why is this so? I thought Alabama was a low cost state :(</p>

<p>$4.00? Is that regular milk or organic? I’m used to paying around $4 for milk, but I drink organic. $4 for regular milk seems a little steep though.</p>

<p>Publix is a rip-off in general, I’d shop elsewhere. </p>

<p>Last time I was there, TTown Publix prices were the same as our hometown store, so at least they’re not gouging shoppers in the strict meaning of the word.</p>

<p>The trick to “winning” and loving Publix is to go once a week (preferably Wednesday, when the sale changes) and be flexible. Their Buy One Get One (BOGO) deals rotate through the whole store – and include name brands. Oscar Meyer, Lay’s, bread; even Ben & Jerry’s, Gaterade, and Gevalia coffee from time to time. Also, they do not require you to buy two items to get one free – the register will ring up one item as half-price. </p>

<p>Their BOGO deals extend beyond food. Time it right, and their toothpaste, shampoo and sundries prices can beat Target and WallyWorld. </p>

<p>So our experience: if it’s a good BOGO week for your tastes, you’ll save a bundle. If not, just walk back to the dorm, and make a weekend run to cheeper stores in town.</p>

<p>My Bama nephew loves the Publix deli sandwiches. DS never tried them, he is addicted to Jimmy John’s.</p>

<p>ColoDad is right – Publix is not a discount grocery store. But it is convenient if you don’t have a car, and if you’re careful, it’s affordable.</p>

<p>I’ve never paid $4 for a gallon of milk…that does sound like an organic milk price. I think I pay around 3.29. </p>

<p>Publix can be a higher priced grocery (compared to Walmart), but as Bill the Poet says, you have to watch their sales. I will have to check Publix’s milk prices…I doubt it is over $4 a gallon for regular (non organic) milk.</p>

<p>CVS sometimes advertises milk for 2.99 a gallon.</p>

<p>I do most of our grocery shopping at Sams Club, Walmart, or Target. </p>

<p>I live in an area of South Florida that is saturated with Publix stores. The nearest non-Publix grocery store is There is a Winn Dixie about 6 miles away and a Walmart Super Center about 10 miles away. I feel your pain. When I have made the effort to go to Walmart I have noticed that the prices are MUCH lower. The variety is not so great, but the prices are better. </p>

<p>And, I wanted to say “Hi” to Bill the Poet. I hope all is good with you. :)</p>

<p>Publix locations in Tuscaloosa are often cheaper than Walmart or Target when it comes to milk prices. In general, dairy prices in Tuscaloosa seem very similar to those in Canada while prices in Birmingham are typically more in line with other areas in the US. </p>

<p>One thing that might confuse some people is that Alabama charges sales tax on groceries. Adding 9% to ones grocery bill can be a lot, especially if one isn’t making up for it in other areas such as property or income taxes.</p>

<p>I miss shopping at Publix as the sale prices are lower than Target or Walmart and Publix locations tend to have excellent customer service. The Publix deli is amazing.</p>

<p>It’s also important to note that the Big 3 traditional grocers (Kroger, Safeway, and Albertsons) don’t operate in Tuscaloosa/Birmingham. Regional grocers such as Winn-Dixie and Bruno’s have been struggling in the area and have closed many stores over the past decade, leaving Walmart, Publix, and Target as the dominant grocers in the area.</p>

<p>As one who buys a lot of produce, I was shocked at some of the prices for produce ($3.50 for a 5lb bag of russet potatoes?) , until I realized that not much of the produce being sold was grown in Alabama. Instead, a lot of the “local” produce at Publix was grown in Florida and the other produce, especially organic produce, was typically grown in California or Washington. It’s hard to make a profit selling potatoes for 20 cents per pound when they have to travel 2500+ miles to get to the store.</p>

<p>Rite Aid tends to have the best price on one gallon jugs of milk and in Tuscaloosa, it’s often a major brand. I remember paying $3.29 for a gallon of milk there and then seeing the same brand for $5.79 at Target. </p>

<p>When Bryant Dining Hall had 30oz to-go cups for every patron, one could fill up one with milk and take it home. With a piece of plastic wrap and a rubber band, the milk would stay fresh in a refrigerator for a few days.</p>

<p>I’ll definitely enjoy Publix, but I’ll miss Kroger as well.</p>

<p>Publix is the most expensive store in Florida, too. Beautiful stores, and great customer service, and the BOGO offers can be good - if you want to buy what they are offering - but I rarely shop at ours in Florida. Winn-Dixie is consistently less expensive, but even better are Aldi (too bad not one in Tuscaloosa) and even Target (with my Red Target debit card, I get that 5% discount off the top - and on groceries in Florida, that is a real 5% discount.)</p>

<p>Everything is definitely more expensive here in Tuscaloosa, though, as I have discovered over the last couple of days. $8.50 for a matinee movie? And only one movie theater in a college town? And so far from the school? I don’t understand that - unless there is someplace else the college kids are going to see movies around here. I have more appreciation for our $6.00 all day movies theater back home in Florida (which also offers $4.00 matinees all the time.)</p>

<p>Prices are definitely higher around here on a lot of things, and that 9% tax is unfortunate. But we found a Dollar General, where we were able to pick up 32 oz bottles of Gatorade for a buck a piece, just like at home (and Walmart had absolutely no Gatorade when we shopped) as well as toilet paper and paper goods for the same cheap prices I get back home. I often buy the better milk at my local CVS store, which sells it as a loss leader, so maybe the Tuscaloosa CVS store offers a similar deal (milk under $4 these days is now a bargain, really.) And how can I complain too much when a gallon of gas costs 25 cents less per gallon than back at home?</p>

<p>Of course, on a bright note, the Los Tarascos on Skyland offers the best Mexican food I have ever eaten (and growing up in California, I ate a lot, and make my own tortillas and salsa, so my favorite cuisine.) And on top of being the best food ever, the prices were hole-in-the-wall cheap. Amazing. In Florida, the Mexican restaurants near me offer mediocre food (and that is being kind) and they overcharge for it. So, I guess what extra my son may pay on goods in Tuscaloosa, he can make up for when he gets over to Los Tarascos. Wish I could take that restaurant home with me :)</p>

<p>I dont know why Kroeger isnt in Ttown…it is in other good-sized cities in Alabama. The Super-Walmarts, Super Target, and Sams Club are always busy with customers. Burno’s struggles in Tuscaloosa because it has high prices. </p>

<p>SEA_Tide…what brand of milk was that?? lol … I have never seen milk that high anywhere. wow. That is weird. I will be at Target in the morning, I will write down prices of milk! lol</p>

<p>Dang, I was just across the street from Publix on campus today…If I am around there tomorrow, I will run in and look at milk prices. </p>

<p>Is there a bus route that goes from school to K-mart/Target?</p>

<p>I also realized that the stuff in Publix are actually cheaper than Safeway…but I bought detergent 150fl at 5.99+tax, which was nice.</p>

<p>Kroger left Birmingham/Tuscaloosa awhile back due to competition from Walmart and Publix. Its Huntsville locations are considered to be part of the Nashville, TN metropolitan area.</p>

<p>I was surprised to see milk that high as well. I believe it was either Dairy Fresh or Barber’s and may have been in an opaque jug. I didn’t check the production codes to see where it was packaged. </p>

<p>Crimson Ride offers the Sunday shuttles that you can take to Target, but, as we learned yesterday, riding the move-in shuttles along with some of the buses, you can get on a Tuscaloosa Trolley at the Hub on campus (the main place where all of the various shuttles and buses stop) and you can ride one of those trolleys all the way out to the Skyland Blvd Walmart if you want to (the Kmart we saw is going out of business.) </p>

<p>Here is the Tuscaloosa Trolley route map: <a href=“Tuscaloosa Transit Authority - Route Information”>http://www.tuscaloosatransit.com/routeInfo.php&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Also link to Crimson Ride: <a href=“http://crimsonride.ua.edu/”>http://crimsonride.ua.edu/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Now one of the drivers mentioned that my son would probably use the 348-ride service a lot (I thought it was for limited use only) but I don’t know. That is for my son to investigate further.</p>

<p>In any case, every driver we met yesterday was so helpful and friendly so when you have some time, just get on one of the buses and ride the route. You should be able to get all over town - and it is entirely free - for both the school-provided as well as the city transit system. Hard to beat that.</p>

<p>Thanks all for your responses. Good to know that UA students enjoy free travel on the city transit system.
This practice seems to be common in most University towns across the country.</p>

<p>BTW here are today’s prices for one gallon of 2% milk at different stores in T-Town:</p>

<p>RiteAid: $4.99
Walmart on Skyland Blvd: $4.15
Publix: $4.15
Target Superstore: $4.09
SamsClub: $3.44
CVS: $ 3.69 but you get $1.00 back in Extrabucks which can be used to buy other items.
So the price essentially becomes $2.69.</p>

<p>You need to add taxes to the above prices. I do not know if ALL stores add taxes for milk or only some.</p>

<p>Bottom line: There is quite a variation in prices. RiteAid, Publix, Walmart and Target prices seem to be on the high side. CVS price is all right. Sams is better but then you have to be a SamsClub member, which we are but our D does not carry the membership card. CVS seems to be the best bet if you don’t have a Sams Card.</p>

<p>But these prices probably change from week to week.</p>

<p>All the above probably mean nothing to students driving BMW’, Lexus, Mercedes Benz and the like cars.</p>

<p>Did you actually drive around to 6 stores pricing milk?</p>

<p>I agree that Sam’s Club is great for buying groceries. You can buy a 3 pack of the Horizon organic milk for like $11.</p>

<p>A Sam’s club membership could be a great deal…especially with $3 a gallon gas prices.</p>

<p>Here at home (SE PA) $4 is a normal price for a gal. of 2% milk. And my family goes thru a lot of milk in a week.</p>

<p>Don’t forget, Sam’s Club offers College Discount - $15 gift card when a college student signs up which effectively lowers the cost to $30 for college students.</p>