How To Win and Learn to Love Publix

<p>Publix can be very expensive, but it can also be really, really cheap if you know what you’re doing. Their Buy-One-Get-One (BOGO) Free deals are terrific, and you don’t have to buy 2. Each item rings up half-price. </p>

<p>Also, as others have noted, it is also a quick and “free” ATM by using cash-back.</p>

<p>Here are my suggestions:</p>

<li><p>Never, EVER shop when you’re hungry or buzzed.</p></li>
<li><p>Shop every Wednesday. There is a “mystery coupon” in the local paper to buy an item for a penny, with $10 purchase. Sometimes it’s a $0.79 bag of store-brand pretzels (yawn). Sometimes it’s a $6 pizza (Yay!). Our local Publix selected 4-roll toilet paper about once a month for about a year, and it saved us a fortune.</p></li>
<li><p>“Cherry pick” BOGO items. They are name brands, and almost without exception their BOGO prices are way below Target and Wally World. They regularly BOGO (relatively) high-end products like bagged salads, Birds-eye veggies, Ben & Jerry’s, Oscar Meyer, 8 O’Clock coffee, and countless name brand nuts, chips, and cookies.</p></li>
<li><p>Go down every aisle. It doesn’t happen every week, but the BOGOs often include name-brand non-food products (Lysol, laundry soap, Fantastic), paper plates, pet supplies, and personal care items.</p></li>
<li><p>Don’t be too brand loyal, and fill in your list with Publix store brands if you must. With a few exceptions, their Publix products are very good.</p></li>
<li><p>Be patient, use your freezer and pantry. If you see your favorite brand on BOGO, stock up. If you don’t, just walk on by and try again next Wednesday.</p></li>

<p>Hope this helps.</p>

<p>I love Publix, but you’re right, they can be pricey. I love the BOGO and you don’t have to buy two, as Bill mentions. </p>

<p>The Publix by us will special order products that you love from your “home town”. Don’t know if the campus Publix will do that.</p>

<p>Publix will also accept up to three coupons on each item: one manufacturer, one Publix and one competitor. If the campus Publix considers Target a competitor, you could really save some $$ by using three coupons on a BOGO item. You can also join a site like MyPoints where you earn points for printing and redeeming manu. coupons. I usually redeem mine for Target gift cards. That’s how I try to max out my savings each week.</p>

<p>In some states Publix does make you buy two of the BOGOs. In SC the Publix are like that and I think they are like that in FL as well. Here is GA you buy each BOG item at half price and you can buy just one.</p>