High school courses

<p>Is it ok if you don't follow a set path while in high school? If you take AP Human Geo and A+ IT Essentials in 9th grade, but Intro to Engineering and Intro to medical professions in 10th grade, is that ok? My brother is another high achieving student who has these classes, and is concerned it will somehow affect him come college time(he is in 10th grade and unsure what he wants to do) he will probably opt for engineering or medical school.</p>

<p>It’s absolutely ok to explore. Many kids do not know what they want to do. Even when they get to college over half of students switch their major at least once in the first two years. Just make sure he gets the required core classes (math, social science, science, foreign lang, english) in for college. He can use his electives for whatever he pleases.</p>

<p>Ok, thanks. This is what I tell him(I did many different classes too), and it’s nice to see that someone agrees.</p>

<p>I’ve taken SO many medical classes at my high school that it’s not even funny. It’s not wrong to explore, but try to get one main thing. Colleges don’t want people who are taking 10 different EC’s and classes.</p>

<p>Ok, but if someone decides to use their electives and follow to different paths(engineering clases and medicine classes), while in high school, is that also ok. If you take all your core clases, and use your two electives on an engineering class and a medical class each year, is that fine?</p>

<p>Yes, that is absolutely fine. </p>

<p>@tacoperson123‌ that isn’t necessarily true. Quality over quantity, but you can still have a lot of ECs that are meaningful. Coarseload is fine to explore. When they look for specialist, a lot of that is in your ECs not your courseload, since a lot of high schools have a pretty strict curriculum. For example, my high school had 1 elective between freshman and sophomore year. We had very little freedom on what classes to take in the core subjects.</p>