High school.. love it!

<p>Im a sophomore and the last year and this one have been the best years of my school life. You are more free, you have a lot more time to do things. The privileges you have are great compared to middle school. There is more integration within all high school. I have friends that are in ninth grade or even seniors. I cant wait to be a junior and then a senior! .. I imagine is the best year..</p>

<p>i totally agree with you ms stepahnou... high school is something that gives alot of privilages</p>

<p>i also agree with both maddam lucia and ms stephanou.........and adding to this i believe one has to take the most advantage out of this, for time flyes</p>

<p>yes andrea I agree with you!! I think that high school is great!! Although have two years left I know they will fly by.</p>

<p>andrea stephanou... yes u are totally right !! high school is really integrated and people have friends in many grades... i think that is really cool, and you can find more people with your same interests!</p>

<p>yeah andrea i totally agree with you, i can wait to be a junior and then a senior, i ill be so cool jaja... but when you approche to the end of high schoool its hard, cause its you are leaving all those nice memories you have made in the past years, thats the only problem... i love HS</p>

<p>high school sucks.</p>

<p>i had lots of fun as a freshman and sophomore, but now i just find myself stagnating
none of my classes are interesting, challenging, or invigorating, and it just makes me question why i'm there in the first place when all i do is ignore my teachers and not do my hw...</p>

<p>high school is fun, but i'm not having any fun that i wouldn't have without high school</p>

<p>i'm probably weird for saying this, but I actually remember middle school as being more fun than high school. classes were just easy and there was really nothing to worry about... i haven't liked high school all that much but i'm really looking forward to college.</p>

<p>middle school > high school</p>

<p>High School sucks. Whoever said that these were the "best years of our lives" must have been on large quantities of mind altering substances.</p>

<p>I don't like High School, although it has definately been fun with sports.</p>

<p>But I'm a senior, most of us cant wait to get to college!!!!</p>

<p>^^^ Are you serious?</p>

<p>I think that it only gets better. High school is great, but as an eternal futurist, I can't wait for college. I feel like college and the rest of your 20's and 30's are going to be the epitome of life- before it all starts going downhill, lol. I mean, no parents, no pressure (unless you're going to professional school), freedom to study mostly what you want, studying abroad, new friends, your own place! I'm foaming at the mouth just dreaming about it!</p>

<p>whooops. my comment was meant towards intel23. </p>

<p>btw, are you a freshman? when i was a frosh, i thought the same thing.</p>

<p>I hate high school. & I agree, middle school was better. </p>

<p>I can't wait until college. I'm a junior, only one more year to go :D</p>

<p>"Whoever said that these were the "best years of our lives" must have been on large quantities of mind altering substances."-bazcat89 </p>

<p>I think your right. :P</p>

<p>High School is designed to suck your soul out after four years of anxiety and disappointment...</p>

<p>I hated middle school more, but I hate high school, too. I have one friend in eleventh grade (I'm a senior), but otherwise there's virtually no interaction among the grades. My school is tiny -- there are 50 students in my class -- which means that the classes are small and student-teacher interaction is excellent, but also that everyone knows everything about everyone else and gossips about it... and that includes teachers and administrators gossiping about students' personal lives behind their backs (this has happened to me and several of my friends), and that the moment anyone is struggling with anything, the entire administration acts Very Concerned and pursues the student around the school asking How Things Are Going (now, genuine concern is fine and all, but when you have seven people, only one of whom you actually asked for help, coming after you to ask in a sweetly condescending, I-am-here-to-help-you tone of voice how your Theory of Knowledge essay is progressing or if your parents really are getting divorced, you sometimes feel the urge to punch somebody in the face). There's more, of course, but this is my rant for the day...</p>

<p>I'm just full of hate, aren't I? :D</p>

<p>Wow, 50 people in your senior class!</p>

<p>Damn, my school has like 400</p>

<p>poor camelia! well, you'll be done soon. </p>

<p>I remember the cattiness of private school. When I went from elementary to middle, I was awed by my 'huge' 6th grade class of 30! (before, classes were capped at 18, and we all shared 1 room for 6 hours). There was so much uncessary idiotic drama that I really don't care to recount. You'd have fights but have to make up in a day because you'd see the person everywhere and everyone would know all about it. Now, in my school of 3000, if you're angry with someone, you simply walk a different way to class and you'll probably never see them for the next 2 years :)</p>

<p>high school = sucks, Case Closed</p>