I’m looking to get some feedback on my plan for class schedules in high school. I’ve already finished 9th grade and have provided my grades in case they are relevant towards any suggestions you have. I’m thinking of going into computer science when I graduate.
9th (2016-2017):
Honors Geometry 1/2: (S1) A+, (S2) A+
Honors English 1/2: (S1) A+, (S2) A+
Honors World History 1/2: (S1) A+, (S2) A+
Honors Biology 1/2: (S1) A+, (S2) A+
Honors Spanish 3/4: (S1) A+, (S2) A+
Honors PLTW Engineering {Dual Enrollment}: (S1) A, (S2) A+
Honors PLTW Computer Science {Dual Enrollment} (1 Semester): A+
Summer 2017:
Algebra 2/Trigonometry
Spanish 5/6
10th (2017-2018):
Honors Precalculus 1/2 {Dual Enrollment}
Honors English 3/4
AP US History
Honors Chemistry
Honors Spanish 7/8 {Dual Enrollment}
AP Computer Science Principles
11th (2018-2019):
AP Calculus AB
AP English Language
AP US Government and Politics
Honors Physics
AP Spanish Language
AP Computer Science Applications
12th (2019-2020):
AP Calculus BC
AP English Literature
AP Microeconomics
AP Physics
AP European History or AP Biology (still unsure as to which one)
Honors Cybersecurity {Dual Enrollment}
Any feedback is appreciated, thanks!
Straight A’s in freshman, you are off to a good start. I’m just a little confused you said Spanish 7/8 and the AP Spanis isn’t 7/8 also an AP class. and I think you can skip AB calculus and just take BC that’s what all my friends did that and I am doing that too. And instead of Honors Physics take AP Physics 1, because you have the required math level, and then you can take ap physics B or C in your senior year
@wchs12 Thanks for the feedback!
At my school, Spanish classes increment by semester, with 1/2-3/4-5/6-7/8-9/10. The first four classes are the normal progression for students first taking Spanish in high school. I took Spanish 1/2 in middle school, and hence, was able to skip to 3/4. To my knowledge, 7/8 is not the AP class, and instead, it’s just the next class in logical progression. The AP is the equivalent of 9/10, for students who have taken the class a year ahead.
I might consider skipping AB calculus and progressing onto BC, as it would allow me to take more advanced college courses. This, however, is all dependent on how well I do in Pre-Calculus. I think that it could be worthwhile, so thanks for that idea!
As for the physics class, my school isn’t the most competitive and does not allow students who have not taken an honors level science course of the same topic to take the AP version. So first I must take honors biology/chemistry/physics in order to advance to the AP equivalent. I suppose I could talk to my counselor about the idea if I continue to do well in 10th grade. It’s also worth mentioning that our school only has a singular class entitled “AP Physics” without the B or C labeling. Perhaps I could try one of those classes online or at a nearby community college.
Triple check that these classes meet all of your district’s graduation requirements. I don’t know what your requirements are, but I’d think it odd if you didn’t at least need health or PE. Trust me on this. Even if you think it’s all good, just take the time to make sure this plan will get you all the credits you need.
Ap physics 1 will be good to take with AP Calculus AB. Ap physics C Mechanics is good to take with AP Calculus BC everything else is pretty good!
I am taking the required PE and health classes, but I didn’t find a need to mention them, or other non-academic courses, on my schedule. In 9th grade, I took PE 9. In 10th, I’ll be taking Heath and PE 10, and in 11th, I’ll take PE 11.
how are you taking Alg II during summer? Summer school? I would do that except my school doesn’t let you take a summer school class unless you failed, which I don’t think I fit the criteria for!
I was originally going to try taking Algebra 2 through the John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, but decided that the costs were too high. I talked to my counselor a few weeks in advance of the end of the school year, and she told me that as long as I passed the placement test the following year, I would be allowed to take the class.
So actually, I’ve been spending 4-7 hours a day self-studying the material. My main instructional source is Khan Academy and other YouTube tutorials. Before I started, I wanted to make sure that what I was learning would line up with my school’s curriculum. With this in mind, I got all the homework assignments from an alg. 2H teacher. I also found a website with all the pages in PDF form, and the teachers solution manual as well. Equipped with these resources, I’ve been doing all the homework assignments and checking my work with the teachers manual.
I’m not sure how this will all work out yet, but by doing the homework assignments in advance, I am pretty much denying my school the ability to hold me back. This way, even if they try to put me in Alg. 2, I will have finished everything, and taking it again would be virtually pointless.
I would understand why your school doesn’t want students taking summer school, but if you’re smart about how you learn the content (lining up your lessons with the schools), I don’t see a problem with it.
I’m applying to CTY with my PSAT next year. I’ve kind of been pre-studying geometry on KA, but not as much as you have for alg II. Is it too late in the game to do enough to test out? You’re lucky that you can do that accelerated math/sci thingie. My school does it, but I couldn’t do it because there weren’t enough people in my class who qualified, so they couldn’t make a class for 1 or 2 people 
I wouldn’t say that it’s too late by this point. I actually head back to school in very early August, and got out in early May. I reckon that my summer cycle is likely a bit shifted compared to yours. I’ve been studying so far a total of 31 days, and will study for ~ 30 more. Given that it’s still early-mid July, you definitely have enough time if you start closer to September.
Also, I’ve technically learned all the Algebra II content already, and will be spending most of my time from this point on reviewing. Just make sure that you understand the most important concepts. For CTY, you can either take the course for school credit, which your school may or may not allow, or simply audit the course. I was planning on filing for an audit before I decided to study it myself. If you don’t want/need the credit at your school, and you’re simply trying to skip the class for the sake of college admissions and to be able to take more advanced courses, I would just do an audit. This would allow you to move at your own pace.
I wish the best of luck to you with studying. I know 4-7 hours is a bit overkill, and you could probably get away with 2-3. Just make sure that you commit either way so you don’t waste your time, and if you decide to go ahead with it, study intensely. Even if you don’t study for long, try to grasp the concepts real well.
What do you plan on majoring in college?
@nick3162 I checked with my GC and she said NOOOOOO you can’t test out
Ah that’s unfortunate, sorry to hear that. When I talked with mine she seems pretty accepting of it, as if it was fairly normal (even though my school isn’t competitive). But oh well, I guess that doesn’t give you much of an option.
@nick3162 Yeah, it is, huh? It might be some kind of state regulation, but it might also be because I’m obsessed with school and she’s trying to discourage my obsession