High School Quotas?

<p>Hi. I'm wondering if schools have set numbers or ranges of applicants that they can take from a particular high school. Im applying to Penn from a school with a senior class size of around 100 students. It is a private school in connecticut.</p>

<p>Im getting worried, because there were several early applicants from my school. Two people are already in (recruited athletes), another boy is a legacy who will probably get it, another girl is a super-genius. I am curious if this high number and likelihood will hurt my chances as a non-legacy, non URM, un-hooked candidate. </p>

<p>So, my question is: do colleges (such as Penn) have a set number / a range of students they can take from a specific school?</p>

<p>(I hope not!)</p>

Use search function next time.</p>

<p>my school has 20% applying ed to penn. haha 6/30</p>

<p>Maybe my school is just low-ballin… nobody applies to competetive schools here. Michigan is the most prestigious it gets hah. We have like 4 kids applying to Ivy Leagues and I’m the only one for Penn ED. Is that an advantage to be from an under-represented high school or a disadvantage because your school is not competetive?</p>

<p>i think you have a bit of advantage, Python167
ur so lucky! i have a about 10-15 kids from my school applying ED to penn and they all have amazing academics and ECs…my schools REALLY REALLY competitive its listed in Newsweek’s list of top natl schools…after i found out so many (amazing) people were applying early to penn my dream of going to upenn was somewhat crushed =(</p>

<p>Like I said, there is no quota so not applying early or w/e is your stupid mistake.
But there are STATE quotas, as they want to represent the nation equally.</p>

<p>hahaha if that comment was towards me, dw i still applied early =)
and i actually heard quite the opposite…i know someone who talking to our penn rep (mrs. quenby jackson-mott) and apparently our penn rep said they like to have diversity so they dont like to accept too many people from one school. (my friend said mrs. mott said they prefer to accept 4-5 people at the most from one school, but im not sure about that…)</p>

<p>My Regional Director said the opposite - They don’t have school quotas. Some schools may get 10 one year, and 0 the next.
But states are usually consistent.</p>

<p>YAY! thats good to know…thanks!
and also i just found this that answers all our questions:
[Penn</a> Alumni: Alumni Council on Admissions](<a href=“http://www.alumni.upenn.edu/aca/opforumpa.html]Penn”>http://www.alumni.upenn.edu/aca/opforumpa.html)</p>


<p>so zester was right! =)</p>