High school selection, finding schools with open campus

How can I find a list of schools in the area that have open campus? Niche doesn’t offer this search option as far as I can tell but it’s a very important consideration. Are there any other good high school search websites that you can suggest? (Even if they don’t have an open campus search option because Niche sucks.)

P.S. is there any general US high school discussion forum available on the web? I couldn’t find one, which is why I’m here.

What do you mean by an “open campus?” Do you mean the school’s campus is akin to a college campus? If so, you’d likely only find that at a boarding school (private or public.)

An open campus means that students have the freedom to leave the school campus during a free period or lunch hour. At least that’s the traditional definition - OP would have to confirm.

I doubt a policy this minor is going to be in any type of sort/select criteria - I doubt the data is collected by anyone.

greatschools.org, high-schools.com and USNews’ High School rankings are other sources. NCES at nces.ed.gov will have government-collected data.