High School Summer Research program

<p>Hi, I'm a junior in high school, and I would like to know of any good research opportunities in the midwest area. These are my credentials:</p>

<p>First of all, I come from a bucolic setting in western pennsylvania. Half the kids are farners, and we even have a school tractor day, where the kids ride their tractors to school. Dunno if this would give me an advantage in diversity though.</p>

<p>White Male, western Pennsylvania
(Projected Stats)
rank 1/200+
GPA 4.0 weighted 4.67</p>

<p>SAT projected: 1500+ (on practice tests :( )</p>

<p>I will take every single advanced math and science class my school has to offer. </p>

<p>My school doesn't offer AP courses; however, I will have 4 years of Computer programming, 1 year of chem (plus another year of chem beyond and entry level college chem class, 1 year biology, 1 year statistics through the University of Pittsburgh. (I'll have like 32 credits by the time I graduate)</p>

Trivia Club 1st place
Health Careers Club
Conservation Club
French Club
Graphic Arts Club
Air Force Cadet memeber (search and rescue airplane crashes)

<p>Extra things:
Prom Chairperson (have to raise 10k; it's going to be fun... haha)
Captain Java team
Private Pilot / Instrument Pilot (Solo'ed an airplane before I was legally allowed to drive a car...)
Equestrain Lessons--10 years
In charge of school's website 3 years
Took course's from Stanford's EPGY
4 years varsity soccer (Indoor soccer, spring soccer also)
4 years varsity track (various triple jump awards)
antibacterial research 7th/8th grades with various state awards
Leader of gaming organization</p>

Made an e-commerce website for dad, and I help him to run it.
I also made a company site for him.
Mowing lawn/washing airplanes
Made many small businesses to make money</p>

<p>Do you think I would have any opportunity in any programs? I would like to try to get into a BA/MD program, so anything program related to that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks</p>