High School Unit Deficiencies - UTAustin

<p>Hi everybody! I am new here and I thank everybody for sharing all the invaluable information.</p>

<p>I have applied to UTAustin as a freshman for prepharmacy from India, though not as an international due to my US citizenship. My school follows CBSE curriculum.</p>

<p>The application status page shows “High School Unit Deficiencies” for Social Studies – “High School Credits Reported”: 2.0, “High School Credits Required”: 3.0 and “Needed”: 1.0.</p>

<p>At our school we study Social Studies from class III to class X only and as my submitted transcript is for class IX to XII, it reflects Social Studies in class IX and X only.</p>

<p>Can anyone please guide me as to how to resolve this? Thanks in advance!</p>



<p>That is why…?? Just guessing</p>

<p>I applied to UTAustin too (int’l, CBSE), and so far I haven’t received any notifications (whatsoever) on the status page. </p>

<p>Just call (or explain in writing) that although u’re a US citizen, u have been educated in India and the system here does not have social sciences after 10th grade…</p>

<p>I’m sure they would be pretty familiar with indian system to take note of your problem.</p>

<p>Neway, I dunno much abt the coursework requirements/procedures for the prepharma major so …</p>

<p>But wait … CBSE schools DO HAVE social sciences, if you take arts as a elective in the 11th and 12th grade.</p>

<p>You took PCM/B kya?</p>

<p>There is history/geography/political science in 11th and 12th grade … so that way u must have them (if that’s a necessity for ur major) …</p>

<p>Thanks compscifan for your prompt response.</p>

<p>Even I thought it may be because they are comparing my coursework with US applicants. I have already emailed, explaining my situation, to the counselor assigned to me but haven’t heard from him yet – must be busy. I did not call as they would transfer me to a counselor for US applicants and that may not be of much help. However, the counselor assigned to me is also the counselor for other schools in India (although my school is not on the list) and I am sure he would know about it. </p>

<p>And yes I have taken PCMB.</p>