High Schooler Needs College Help.. Please.

<p>Ok, here's the deal. I am a junior in High School, and I'm starting to look at colleges, just to get an idea of what to shoot for this and next year. My overall avg will be in the low to mid 90s once the year is over. I am taking honors english, honors spanish, pre-calc, which is a college course, and AP US. Next year I plan to take a full courseload with the maximum amount of APs that I can. I have played soccer for the school since 9th grade. I'm not sure what other information can be helpful to anyone reading this, so if you have any questions feel free to ask, I will answer. </p>

<p>The one college that I really would like to go to is Colgate, because it is relatively close to where I live (and because I also assume that Cornell is our of reach).</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>I grad HS in 2012.</p>

<p>Take hard classes and do well in them. Just work your ass off. even if your overall average may not change much, if you do really well junior year colleges will be like “damn this dude has a crazy good trend in grades (low to high)”. </p>

<p>study for your SATs, dont just go in and think you’ll do well.</p>

<p>do some community service if you can, join a useful club.</p>

<p>if you really like Colgate (visited, talked to current students) then apply ED there. you’ll get a decision earlier making senior year a bit more relaxed and there’s a higher acceptance rate, though the admission criteria is still the same.</p>

<p>AND ABOVE ALL HAVE FUN. life isn’t about college admissions. high school is the ****.</p>

<p>haha. yeah I agree high school is pretty fun until you start realizing that college is right around the corner. I have too much to do, too little time.</p>

<p>Thanks for the response I appreciate it.</p>

<p>EDIT: </p>

<p>So I just realized my question isn’t very clear… What are my chances of getting into a good college, like colgate?</p>

<p>It’s really hard to tell without scores but your average should put you in a good position. Think about similar schools too----maybe Trinity, Lafayette—that would be a little easier to get into and definitely think about early decision.</p>