<p>Please post your high school name, state, % national merit (national merit, class size)</p>
<p>Salem High School, NH: National Merit Finalists 0.192% (1, 521)</p>
<p>We suck, but I rock.</p>
<p>Aren’t you losing your anonymity for the sake of vanity?</p>
<p>Oh my god that’s insane. 1521 finalists? I wouldn’t even dream of that many. The top private schools in my region have like 10-15 finalists.</p>
<p>I think the response was 1 national merit in a class of 521.</p>
<p>Also, I agree, we should modify the reponse to exclude the name of the school, just include the state (and town if you wish). Just trying to get a feel for what is the highest percent national merit nominees at the more competitive schools.</p>
<p>I didn’t look it up, but I’m guessing TJHSST, Stuyvesant, AASt, and Philips Exeter should be up there?</p>
<p>There’s a private school in WA with a class size about 130; of a given class, about 25-30% will get semifinalist and about 25-30% commended. Usual total of the 2 is around 50-55%.</p>
<p>Try Thomas Jefferson in Alexandria, Virginia. Hold on to your seat when you see their numbers.</p>
<p>St. John’s School - Houston</p>
<p>Class of 2009 - 135 students</p>
<p>NMSF 40
Commended 41</p>
<p>% 60</p>
<p>(Though Class of 2006 with 136 students had 56 NMSF and 50 Commended - 78%)</p>
<p>Private school in New York- about 40-50 % of the class is commended.</p>
<p>I’m not sure how many are semi-finalists.</p>
<p>In Madison, WI, there are four public high schools with about 500 seniors each. This year (which is typical), both Memorial and West had 26 semifinalists. That’s about 1/6 of the entire state’s allocation. Memorial had 8 winners of the NMSC $2500 scholarships, while West had another 4. Not too many public schools with that many high achievers.</p>
<p>I go to a NM school with a class size of about 900, and two people got letters of at least commended. I have a score that will get semifinalist (according to last year’s numbers), and she probably will be commended.</p>
<p>.0011% semifinalists
.0022% commended or better.</p>
<p>Jesuit High School New Orleans has an amazing rate of NMSFs. More in the one school than the whole state of Mississippi.</p>
<p>A nearby public high school has the senior picture of their NMF painted on the side of the building, visible for all to see from the highway.</p>
<p>To me, that beats all the numbers any school has.</p>
<p>How wonderful to see the pride that school shows in this wonderful young lady.</p>
<p>Hope she can be an example to students present and future.</p>
<p>My daughter’s high school gave NMSFs a yard sign. Usually it’s athletics and fine arts that have yard signs around here, so it was nice to see something academic get recognized. Daughter, of course, thought they should have just given her a sign with “NERD” in huge letters (but she wants us to keep the sign anyway).</p>
<p>Lexington, MA
Class of 500, 195 commended or national merit semifinalist+
= 39%</p>