Highlander Orientation

What exactly happens at Orientaton and how do you choose your classes? Did anyone look at the catalog and have the classes they want in mind before going to Orientation?

Orientation hasn’t started yet, and I don’t go until the 17th, but I heard you basically tour the campus with your orientation group. You also get to register for your fall classes. And yeah, I actually have looked at the catalog and the GE requirements so I can take a look at which classes I want to/have to take. It all depends on your orientation session though. If you’re one of the few last groups, chances are you’ll probably have to take one of the early morning classes if there isn’t space left for the afternoon/evening ones. But, that depends on the class itself I believe. Like I already know some biology classes, english classes, and some CS classes will be popular, especially for freshmans.

But it’s good to see what you have in mind, so when you find a class that’s open you can sign up for them. For me, I think I might just take some GE classes and maybe one of my major classes. I don’t want to take all my GE’s though, since they’re there to balance out the difficulty of our schedule once we start having our upper divs.

oh okay are you, or whoever’s coming with you like your parents, bringing a laptop??

I actually won’t be bringing my parents, as that’s not necessary unless they’re willing to find a nearby hotel/place to stay and if they really want to see what your years at UCR will be like. Yea! I’m bringing my laptop, a refillable water bottle, and I’m wearing comfy shoes because we’re going to be walking a lot.

I’ve heard from some upperclassmen that they didn’t really need a laptop to register for their fall classes, but I’m not exactly sure what they mean by that.

I’d suggest you wear clothes suited to the weather, bc Rside is probably gonna be like 90+ degrees no matter what orientation session you’re gonna attend. We’re also going to get our R’card at orientation, if you uploaded the photo online. It takes a few weeks to process which is why every orientation session has diff deadlines for R’card photo submission. The R’card is needed for move in day.