Highschool tutoring questions

Hello everyone, 8th grader here, going into hs after summer. I wanna start saving money for college as soon as I get into highschool, I’m considering tutoring Social Studies’ related subjects because I’ve always found myself to be good at Social Studies, maybe Algebra because I’m taking Algebra already in 8th grade, altough I’m not perfect at it and get B+ and A-, I find myself to master the thing we learned a few weeks after so I think I’d tutor kids who are taking Algebra next year well.

How much should I ask for per hour?

Where can I tutor them? (Can’t be at my house, my mom makes too much noise haha)

How can I tutor them? (Any tips? I’m good at understanding concepts and things but I’ve never tried to transfer my knowledge to others)

Where can I advertise?


@coffeepanda My philosophy is, if you tutor something, you have to be very good at it. This usually involves a deeper understanding than what is often taught in the course.

It’s fine to charge for your services, but don’t expect to make much. I tutored math at a tutoring center which only paid $11/hr (but still a few dollars above the minimum wage). So don’t expect to make more than that.

In terms of location, there are many possible locations you could tutor at, such as school, the library, a coffee shop, their house, etc.