Hispanic advantage?

Hello! I am half Hispanic and Asian (Vietnamese) and I am applying to all of my colleges with these two ethnicities. I know race plays a large role into what colleges I could get into (although no one likes to admit it) but I am trying my chances today. I realize there are other factors that go into admissions but can being Hispanic make the difference between getting in or not?? I know it is advantageous but by how much? Thanks!

At many colleges, it may not matter at all. For example, Michigan State lists ethnicity as “not considered”.

Yea but they do affirmative action

Not in Michigan public universities.

I think at any school, all kids who identify as Hispanic will get the same advantage at that school (and in the case of Michigan schools it may be no advantage). But I think the real “advantage” will be for the kids who have a compelling story to tell about their lives (DACA status, parents making minimum wage, etc) as compared to the prep school Hispanic kid whose parents grew up in the US, went to Ivies, are doctors/lawyers, etc. The first group are the Hispanic kids who will see an “advantage” – not because they are Hispanic, but because of their unique and compelling life experiences.

I’m happy to hear other opinions if you disagree.

Checking off a box may not be much of an advantage. Admission Officers are looking for cultural diversity - is Spanish a 2nd language, have you spent time in the country of your heritage, are you immersed in a local Hispanic community, etc?