Hispanic First Gen at the Ivies?

<p>Hello! I'm looking at MIT, Stanford, Northwestern, UPenn, Princeton, Yale, Columbia, Harvard, Maryland, and Tufts!</p>

<p>My school is medium sized, catholic and private. We get a few Ivy kids a year. Compared to the other Hispanic kids accepted to Ivies in the past at my school, my stats are much better.</p>

SAT I: Superscore - 2200
Attempt 1 (C 660, M 720, W 710)
Attempt 2 (C 710, M 780, W 680)
SAT II: US History 770, Literature 700, Math I 720, Biology 690
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.98
Weighted: 4.53
Rank: no ranks, definitely in top 3% though
AP: US History 5 European History 5 English Language 5
IB: NA, will be taking later as I'm in the IB Program</p>

<p>Junior Year Course Load: AP European History, Honors Pre-Calculus, IB World Religions I, AP/IB World Literature and Composition I, IB Biology SL, Theory of Knowledge, Honors Spanish III
Senior Year Course Load: IB Physics SL, AP/IB World Literature and Composition II, IB Twentieth Century History, IB Math SL, Theory of Knowledge, IB Biology HL, IB World Religions II, Honors Spanish IV</p>

<p>Major Awards: National Hispanic Scholar, National Merit - Commended
Subjective: Senior Class Representative in Student Government, Photography Club (President), Varsity Cross Country, Sophomore Spirit Leader, Speech and Debate, National Honors Society, St. Mary's Scholars (an enrichment program in my school), Xaverian Leaders (religious stuf, Freshman Retreat Leader), Student Ambassadors.</p>

<p>Volunteer/Community service: Volunteered at the local police station for 50 hours, NHS tutoring, founded an after school SAT Prep Class with some other kids. Will have at least 150 hours by the end of next year.</p>

<p>State: Maryland
Ethnicity: Hispanic (Peru and Spain)
Income Bracket: Low
Hooks: URM, First Generation</p>

<p>Looks like you’ve done a good job, do you have a specific question?</p>

<p>Do you have an idea of what you might want to study? I just ask because I’m not seeing anything that cries out MIT, either academically or ECs.</p>

<p>Of course you know that some of those schools are in a different athletic league than the one in your title :rolleyes:.</p>

<p>Hello, entomom! I’ve read threads on College Confidential for quite some time, and I’ve seen plenty of your posts! They’ve been pretty helpful for me as I’ve gone through high school!</p>

<p>Anyways, to answer your question, I’m just asking for general thoughts on this list of schools and my stats. I put “Ivies” in the thread title to grab people’s attention. As for what I want to study, I’m not sure yet, I’m really open to anything.</p>

<p>How was your performance on junior year SLs and what are your predicted grades?</p>



<p>This is important, as your GC is likely be be the best judge of your schools since you will be considered within the context of your HS.</p>

<p>No sure I can tell you anything you don’t already know. HYPSMC are all reaches. I do wonder about MIT as far as academic and social fit, what are you looking for in a college? Penn/NU/Tufts are the next group, low reach or match. And then UMD IS is your safety. </p>

<p>Since your family is low income, I assume that you feel you will get adequate FA from all of the privates. While some of these schools are no loan, I’m not familiar with the FA policies of all of them, so that would be something that you’d want to know. Have you run the NPCs for these schools? Does UMD have merit aid that would help with affordability?</p>

<p>I guess what I might consider are some match schools with realistic merit aid.</p>

<p>Perazziman - I haven’t taken any IB exams yet, if that’s what you mean. I’m scheduled to take em all this year. I’ve gotten all A’s across the board and that trend is projected to continue this year. </p>

<p>entomom - Yeah, after going to college visits and presentations since my sophomore year, my family is pretty familiar with the privates’ financial aid policies, and we’re not too worried about that. Maryland definitely shouldn’t be an issue financially. I’m instate.</p>