I am of mixed Mexican and Korean heritage and I plan to identify myself as Hispanic on my future college applications, however given that my I have a “asian looking” name I am concerned that admission offices may think i’m being dishonest about myself, are my fears unfounded or should i perhaps mail colleges beforehand or explain my heritage in my applications?
The common app allows you to check
BOTH boxes (Hispanic and Asian). You don’t need to choose one over the other. And there is no “proof” of ethnicity needed. There are many reasons someone could be Hispanic and have an Asian name…all legitimately.
Well, there are Hispanic Asians-Peru has a large Japanese population. You could also check ‘other’ as well.
If your name is obviously Korean, a quick explanation might be necessary just in case there are misunderstandings, but it sounds like you’re not trying to mislead anyone.
Check the box. Don’t worry about this. If anyone asks, that would be the time to explain things.
I’m sure adcoms know people can be hispanic and Asian. I’m sure it won’t be the first application they received as such.
I have a student with a Hispanic last name. Her father is married to an Asian woman. My student grew up within a largely Asian culture in the home, speaks English as her first language, Mandarin as her second. She looks Latina, not at all Asian in any sense. But she self-identifies, culturally, as Asian American. Although it was the first time I myself encountered that particular combination and result, there must be plenty of other mixed varieties of identity that committees have run across.
My daughter’s friend is 1/8 Chinese and 7/8 Hispanic with a Chinese last name and good grades/scores. She did well in admissions.