Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards

<p>I received word last week (Tuesday or Wednesday, I think?) that I’m a winner in the Miami region :slight_smile: So yes, Greywolf, I found out about 3 weeks-ish before our ceremony, since it’s on November 3rd. Sending lots of good luck to everyone who hasn’t heard yet!</p>

<p>Congrats to sodade and good luck to everyone still waiting!</p>

<p>Congrats Sodade, my d was also notified last Monday that she was selected for the Miami Region. Which category did you apply? Did they tell you how you placed? An email with all the details
was supposed to go out after the notification. Have you received yours already?</p>

<p>Best of luck to those that still have not heard!</p>

<p>Well that’s a bummer… I guess doing the entire app at the last minute deesn’t produce good results :(. If you don’t mind my asking, what categories did you get in for (to sodade and eaglesp12)?</p>

<p>Aww, GreyWolf, so sorry! I know it’s disappointing :frowning: But you deserve big props for being accomplished enough to apply.
I applied under both the education and community service categories, but I haven’t heard any specifics about which category I’m being recognized for or where exactly I placed. I suppose we’ll find out at the ceremony?<br>
And to eaglesp12 - I haven’t received a specific email yet either, only the general invitation to the event. Hmm.</p>

<p>Haha. Well I don’t think there are any real discriminating prerequisites for application, but thanks anyway. Hmmm, I applied for the business, engineering and mathematics, and science categories (Pretty much the opposite as you ;)). Seems I grossly underestimated the competition…</p>

<p>is there a list of all the winners somewhere? I’m pretty sure I didn’t make it, and I wanted to see who did</p>

<p>My D. was awarded the Gold Award in Science in Chicago last year. They gave out medals (bronze, silver and gold) and the ceremony and reception was wonderful and impressive. However, the winners had to give back the medals because they said they forgot to bring enough and they were needed for the next ceremony and that they would receive one in the mail. It never came. Also, the $1000 scholarship hasn’t been awarded and I’ve left several messages and e-mails without response. I’ve also noticed that their website hasn’t been updated for a couple of years. I think that it is regretful that HHF’s disorganization takes aways from honor of being chosen. Like I said, the ceremony was a great experience for my D, the other recipients and their families. The students were all truly amazing young leaders. Good luck to everyone.</p>

Congrats to your D on her Gold last year! I’m sorry to hear that the program is not being run effectively; but to no even award the scholarship, that’s incredible and appalling!</p>

<p>I keep trying to contact them without result. I guess a certified letter might be the next move. But the winners shouldn’t feel diminished because of our experience because they get over 11,000 applications for these awards so they are highly competetive and it is a great accomplishment!</p>

<p>After months of resignation, I received a call today saying I was chosen for the silver medal in the business category for the Washington DC area. I am extremely happy!!</p>

<p>Congratulations, that’s wonderful Holiday gift!</p>

<p>I hope more members will be getting positive news soon too.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if the give educational grants to the three medal recipients in each category or just gold winners?</p>

<p>I found out two days ago I was awarded the Gold Medal for science for DC!! What a great early Christmas present! It was completely out of the blue; I thought they had done the awards back in October and that I wasn’t selected. </p>

<p>Congrats rdpgn105, I guess I’ll see you there in DC!</p>

<p>yoyoman1 I thought the absolute same thing! Congrats to you as well!! I look forward to meeting you!! :)</p>

<p>Congrats to you too yoyoman!</p>

<p>yoyoman do you remember where the award ceremony will be held? I didnt quite make it out on the phone. I know they are sending an email, but just wondering. Thanks in advance!!</p>

<p>hey guys I found out I got the healthcare silver medal for D.C…do you guys remember the date he said? CONGRATS TO ALL</p>

<p>Hey guys have any of you received any further information about the ceremony other than the initial email?</p>

<p>has anyone else been notified yet of being a national recipient??? :)))) i can’t wait to meet you!!! :)</p>