Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2017-18

I’m having the same issue. I emailed HSF about the award letter but if they don’t respond by tonight then I’m going to upload a generic thank you letter that isn’t addressed to any specific donor. There are only two days left so I think its more important to complete the process soon…

@vanessa1996 probably going to do the same thing, honestly.

Call them. They are open today! 310-2975-3700!!!

ok i just got a reply in my HSF message center, they are resending the email to me :slight_smile: thank you guys for your help!

Hey did you ever get off the waitlist? Did you ever find out anything about your status? I still haven’t heard anything from then regarding my waitlist status :frowning: lol

@ThatWeldingMechanicalEngineer I got off the waitlist earlier this month, found out through email. After that I got an email later that stated my award amount, then I sent a thank you note few days ago. now my award should be deposited soon. I would call HSF… there is a link a few pages back in this thread with their number

So the 2017-2018 scholarship application is already available.

I meant 2018-2019

I have been lurking on this thread for a while now. Has anyone who was waitlisted gotten their money deposited? I was given my award letter two weeks ago and haven’t received any update.

@22uofmiami I created my bank account link, sent the thank you letter but still waiting for the funds to deposit.

I was also wait listed before as well. I messaged HSF a couple of days ago. They replied and this is what they said


Thank you for your message. Disbursements will be occurring throughout the month of January. Once your thank you document has been verified, HSF will be sending your award payment to Wells Fargo.

Once Wells Fargo received the payment, you will be emailed directly by Wells Fargo with an “Attempt to Deposit” email notification. Once you receive this email, the award will be deposited into your account within 2-3 days, depending on your banking institution.

HSF Team

My son was waitlisted and we never got the email to click the Wells Fargo link even though I do see it there. I tried to click the link but it says invalid username/pw. I am assuming this must mean he will not get anything. :frowning:

Me too. I also have the link for Wells Fargo but no email. Maybe once there are more funds available.

Does anyone know if they will still be giving funds this whole semester? In the application, it says that there are 9 days remaining for the scholarship 2017-2018 that is over Jan. 15. This is my first time applying so I am very confused on how the waitlisting process works. Can they still give scholarships to the waitlisted people during this semester as in May? June? When?

@scmd111 I would contact HSF and check if they are still going to consider waitlisted people. If not, then don’t lose hope. Apply again. Show them that you are persistent.

I called and they said they are still verifying some of the verifications, so there’s still hope.

I am really nervous. I called yesterday too and they said they would let us know by the end of January and the beginning of February.

No deposit yet, hoping one goes in soon :stuck_out_tongue:

I was notified about a deposit attempt on Tuesday. Got the money deposited weds morning. Hope everything works out for everybody.

Oh, then I guess mine should be deposited soon… probably within the next week or so i’m guessing