Hispanic Students - Class of 2017 Discussion Thread

<p>Update on some good news. We received ACT scores back on the June test. </p>

<p>28C: 30E, 22CR, 33M, 28S</p>

<p>Math IIC 710</p>

<p>My child knows the material but is a slow reader due to a congenital vision problem. We signed up for an online speed reading class in hopes to solve this problem. I should have requested extended time but I did not know that option existed.</p>

<p>Congrats to your child on both their improved ACT and the Math2 score, way to go!</p>

<p>smileygerl, Congratulations to your kid for breaking 700 on the SAT math II subject test.</p>

<p>entomom, any idea, do most colleges accept SAT subject tests from November testing for EA/ED? S is taking AP Physics in the Fall. He wants to take the subject test as close to the end of the semester as possible. He took math II in June and scored 750.</p>

<p>^I know that some schools do accept Nov tests, but there are no universals. </p>

<p>He should definitely go to the website(s) of schools he’s considering EA/ED and see what their specific instructions are, there’s no substitute for going to the primary source for this kind of important information.</p>

<p>You didn’t ask, but if he is considering ED, you and he both understand what that entails as far as not being able to compare FA packages, right?</p>

<p>I discussed the Physics Subject test on your other thread.</p>

<p>Hello guys,</p>

<p>I’m just wondering, based off my stats, what would be a reasonable match school for me. I’ve got the reach schools down (Dartmouth, Cornell, Columbia, Georgetown, etc…). I’m interested in Medical, Law, and Business, however, I want to go to a big(er) college so I am able to be exposed to different things. </p>

· SAT I (breakdown): Will be 2200+
· ACT: Will be 33-35
· SAT II: Will have 750+ in the following: Chemistry () / Math II () / US History ()
· Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.9
· Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): Doesn’t ran, but I’d imagine top 3-5%
· AP (place score in parenthesis): US Government & Politics, English Language & Composition, Chemistry (No scores, but I’d imagine 4 at the lowest for these)
· IB (place score in parenthesis): n/a
· Senior Year Course Load: AP English Literature, AP Statistics, AP Biology, Economics
· Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): National Merit Scholar, National Hispanic Scholar, National Honor Society, Venture Scholar</p>

· Extracurricular: Newspaper Sports Writer, Broadridge Mentor Program, Peer Tutor, Engineering Club (President), Young Republicans (President), Columbia Law Graduate, Boxing Club, And Then There Were None (Assistant Director), " " (Assisant Director) <— The play hasn’t been announced, but I will be the AD of it
· Job/Work Experience: n/a
· Volunteer/Community service: Captain of Litoral Society Beach Clean up (4 years), Canoe Regatta (2 years)
· Summer Activities: Weill Cornell Medical Program, Gotham Summer Writinggo
· Essays: Excellent
· Teacher Recommendation: (2) Excellent
· Counselor Rec: Excellent
· Additional Rec: (2) Excellent
· Interview: </p>

· State (if domestic applicant): NY
· Country (if international applicant): n/a
· School Type: Public
· Ethnicity: Hispanic
· Gender: M
· Income Bracket: < $2,500
· Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): First generation, URM</p>

<p>I will be self studying multiple APs this senior year as well, is there any way to mention it? </p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Those are a lot of ‘will bes’ for testing, have you not done any testing yet other than the PSAT? </p>

<p>You didn’t take the Chem Subject test last spring when you took the AP exam? When did you have AP USH and precalc? Following these courses would be the best time for taking the USH and Math 2 Subject tests.</p>

<p>What does ‘Columbia Law Graduate’ mean?</p>

<p>I’m not familiar with those summer programs, are they competitive and scholarship based?</p>

<p>Not sure I understand you income bracket, did you forget a zero?</p>

<p>Self-studying APs sr year is not helpful for admissions purposes unless you can somehow get credit for it through your HS (eg. independent study) as you won’t even have taken the exams when decisions are made. If you want to self-study for the purpose of college credit or placement, that is different as test scores will be available when you matriculate.</p>

<p>Well, based off my practice tests for the ACT (32 composite has been the lowest of 12 practice tests), I am quite confident that I can score a 34. SAT is based off my previous score (1930 w/o prep)</p>

<p>I did take the Chem SAT II, but received a 740 w/o prep (stressed about AP) while running on low sleep (too many energy drinks lol). My school doesn’t offer AP US History, so I’m self studying for the SAT II. I skipped Pre Calc and went to AB this past year, but I’m confident for Math II.</p>

<p>Sorry for the misconception about the Columbia; in 10th grade there was an application process to attend a Law program in Columbia that involved a year long prep once a week that ended in a Mock Trial versus NYU. We won.</p>

<p>The Weill Cornell Program is quite competitive; only 30 are admitted out of a possible 600+ I believe (they look at GPA, recommendations, and essay). The Gotham Program, not so much. It’s a small classroom for Creative Writing enrichment.</p>

<p>No, I saw 2,500 as a benchmark once before. My income is below that threshold. I guess 10,000 would be a better indicator?</p>

<p>I figured the AP classes wouldn’t be recognized. I was thinking on tailoring the Engineering Club to the Physics C exam this year, thus the school would recognize it and perhaps offer it as a class. </p>

<p>Thank you for the response.</p>

<p>No need to retest a 740 IMO. Be sure to check the CB for the subjects covered in the Math 2. For someone at your level it’s not hard math, but you won’t have seen some of the areas covered for a while and review will help with speed, which is important for that test.</p>

<p>Usually FA policies for low income families kick in at about 50-60k/yr; 2.5 or even 10k/yr income is extremely low for a family, that’s why I asked.</p>

<p>That brings me to another important question. How are you going to fund college, how much will your family be able to contribute? The reach schools you’ve listed should give you good need based FA, have you checked their websites to see if they include loans in their FA packages? </p>

<p>For match schools, you’re going to want to look for schools with slightly lower average stats AND higher acceptance rates. Some of these may offer no loan, generous FA, but for others you likely will want to look at some schools with substantial merit aid. You’ll want to look at the NHRP scholarship thread and see if any of those schools meet your criteria. </p>

<p>What are your admissions and financial safety schools?</p>


<p>I’m confused about that level of income. If a family has no income, do schools count government assistance as income? I can’t remember if the Common Application has questions about such things.</p>

<p>I can’t begin to imagine what that would be like to have no income. SineCosine, I imagine you have quite a story to tell in your essays! My hat is off to you for doing so well in school!</p>

<p>^I know that unemployment benefits can be taxed, but I looked this up and found:</p>

<p>[Publication</a> 17 (2011), Your Federal Income Tax](<a href=“http://www.irs.gov/publications/p17/ch12.html#en_US_2011_publink1000172048]Publication”>http://www.irs.gov/publications/p17/ch12.html#en_US_2011_publink1000172048)</p>



<p>If this is the case for Sine, then since benefits don’t show up on federal taxes, they won’t be reported on FAFSA or Profile either (unless there is a section that adds them back in, such as payments to retirement accounts).</p>

<p>So you’re correct, this could account for income stated.</p>

<p>I know this may sound paranoid, but I would like some advice in terms of chances and college choices but am scared to post full details due to fear if being identified by peers. Should I just post ahead in a thread or pm someone?</p>

<p>Not paranoid at all, smart. With google, it can be pretty easy to find out who someone is with a collection of details.</p>

<p>I personally don’t believe in Chances threads, I think it’s much more important to concentrate on developing a realistic list of admissions and financial safety/match/reach schools.</p>

<p>If you really want to do a Chances thread, there’s the option of using generalizations about some factors. For example, SAT between 2100-2200, president of club, etc.</p>


<p>My DS 2, is having trouble compiling his college list. I know i am making it very difficult for him, by being clear that some costs can not be met. We have done this with our first son, ans had to come to the reality of not having 25K each year for college, unless it is so prestigious that the whole family makes a great sacrifice for him.<br>
her our his stats:</p>

<p>act 35
subject chemistry 800
gpa 4.5 in a very large school of 1100 seniors top 1%.
of course EC’s and work. </p>

<p>we have hear that smaller lac’s and less selective universities can off full rides, but not sure would love to hear about some happy stories.<br>
We do have a good state school that will offer merit full rides. Just realized lots of taxes to pay on those, but still a great help.
so any help would be appreciated. It is amazing how two years can go by so fast.</p>


<p>I will direct you to a couple of ways of finding full-rides or at least merit money that will make a college a financial fit for your family.</p>

<li> Do a search on [CollegeData:</a> College Search, Financial Aid, College Application, College Scholarship, Student Loan, FAFSA Info, Common Application](<a href=“http://www.collegedata.com%5DCollegeData:”>http://www.collegedata.com). This is my new favorite search engine for college. Click on a college on the college match list and look at the money matters section. See the amount of non-need aid given and the percentage. Also with 2 in college (I assume D1 is still in school) you may qualify for fin. aid so be sure to do the “net price calculator” feature of each college on the list. </li>
<li>Also scroll down the money matters section on collegedata and see if under areas targeted for scholarships if “minorities or diversity outreach is listed.” With DS2’s impressive scores and grades I know a college that is interested in diversity would be interested in DS2. Contact the Latino recruiter for colleges on the list and tell them that money is an issue and ask what they have to offer.</li>
<li> Although I agree that small liberal arts colleges do offer good merit aid. For your should not overlook state schools. My DS got a full-ride from Ohio State and University of Arizona. The full-ride was accomplished by combining different scholarships that he qualified for. I just saw University of Alabama and LSU had full-rides available to the smarter students. </li>
<li><p>The hunt for merit money means you target those schools where your DS2’s stats places him in the top 25% to 33% of the accepted class. I suggest you read the book “The College Solution” by Lynn O’Shaughnessy. She has a website also but she really knows her stuff on the money issues. You can learn a lot from her. This recent article in the New York Times on merit money may be helpful in your search. <a href=“http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/22/education/edlife/a-rise-in-students-receiving-merit-awards.html[/url]”>http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/22/education/edlife/a-rise-in-students-receiving-merit-awards.html&lt;/a&gt; Be sure to look at the chart that is part of the article. You can see which schools are the most generous. </p></li>
<li><p>Be sure to look at the financial aid and parent forums on cc. I know there has been a thread about full-rides. I just can’t find it right now. </p></li>
<li><p>One regular contributor to cc went through college websites and created a list of colleges with guaranteed merit money. Here is the link to her list. [65</a> Colleges with Guaranteed Merit Scholarships | The Collegiate](<a href=“http://www.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/2012/07/17/65-colleges-with-guaranteed-merit-scholarships/]65”>http://www.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/2012/07/17/65-colleges-with-guaranteed-merit-scholarships/)</p></li>
<li><p>Don’t forget to check out the website [Center</a> for Student Opportunity](<a href=“http://www.csopportunity.org/]Center”>http://www.csopportunity.org/) Look up the partner colleges and their programs. Those schools are interested in diversity recruitment. </p></li>

<p>Please stay active on the 2017 thread and share what you learn. By doing so you help others plus we need to have the 2017 more active.</p>

<p>Good Luck.</p>

<p>^Great information!</p>

<p>I took a quick look at the NYT chart. I found it hard to believe that almost 1/5 (19%) of the 6,322 fr entering WUSTL have some sort of merit aid, about 1,200 students/yr. </p>

<p>Their website shows:</p>

<p>[Scholarship</a> Programs At-A-Glance](<a href=“http://admissions.wustl.edu/scholarships/programs/Pages/default.aspx]Scholarship”>http://admissions.wustl.edu/scholarships/programs/Pages/default.aspx)</p>

<p>109 merit scholarships (from chart)
+ca. 20 Rodriguez (from photo)
+ca. 45 Ervin (from class photos)
+at least 30-40 Enterprise Holdings
+4 Danforth
+1 Boeing
+? Army & Air Force</p>

<p>So, it appears that the vast majority, from 900 to 1000 (depending on exactly how many Rodriguez, Ervin & Enterprise are given any particular year), are ROTC scholarships.</p>

<p>Is it okay if the college essay is 3 words over the required 500 word limit? The last sentence of the essay is important and my child does not want it to get cut off.</p>

<p>I always had my kids follow word limits, but I’m very by the book when it comes to instructions. The general consensus is that a few extra words is not going to matter.</p>

<p>However, I’ve never seen an essay that I can’t cut a few words or characters off of, and they often read better for the effort.</p>


<p>I will tell my child to cut the extra words.</p>


<p>Does anyone have a contact name for multicultural admissions at Rice University?</p>