Hispanic Students Class of 2018 Discussion Thread

<p>I can't believe my youngest is at this stage but since my DD has her first interview for college soon; I guess it is time to open up this thread for the Class of 2018 . All Hispanic Class of 2018 (high school class of 2014) please post and discuss here in this thread your college admission process issues and schools you are considering. Hopefully Class of 2018 will have the same success as Class of 2017. </p>

<p>Good luck to the Class of 2018!!</p>

<p>My first child is class of 2018. She is applying to Iowa State (safety), University of Minnesota (first choice), and Truman State (loved the school but not the town). Going on a road trip next week to University of Wisconsin (reach), Ohio University (possible honors college and merit aide), Earlham, Knox, and Beloit. My daughter wants to major in psy. and gender or women’s studies. She really wants to be an activist for women.</p>

<p>Her stats. 3.36 uw (small private college prep school-no APs or Honors offered)
28 ACT (retaking in Fall after study this summer)
3 mission trips
2 week student ambassador to Japan in summer between Soph and Junior yr
active in Young Life
4yrs volleyball (not looking to play in college other than club ball)
4 hours a month community service all thru HS</p>

<p>D2 applied to both UMinn-TC and UWisc-M a couple of years ago, both wonderful schools! </p>

<p>Your visit to UWisc should be much nicer than ours, over spring break the last week of March and still very cold and the lake frozen over. The highlight of the tour was probably the dorms along the lake, a very resort-like setting. She applied for the Chancellor’s and Powers-Knapp scholarships but didn’t receive them, so although she was accepted, it was not financially feasible.</p>

<p>UMinn was so welcoming when we visited, she had dinner with an AO, met with the head of the Honors college, and had a personal tour with a student in her same field of interest. And their merit aid for OOS students was so good that their package was better than our IS flagship with their largest scholarship. Unfortunately we drove through a late season snow storm between Madison and Minneapolis, and after a long winter here where we live, the sunshine of SoCal was very attractive. And while I really liked the city setting, I think it was a little overwhelming to her since we come from a smaller town.</p>

<p>Best of luck to your D this fall!</p>

<p>Thanks I wish her gpa was higher but it is what it is. This last year she finally got on the ball and had 3.74 gpa with straight As last quarter. She has low self-esteem and it wasn’t till she took her ACT that I think she finally got a sense of she could do it. I always tell her she’s great but she thinks I have to say that because I’m her Mom. While students from U of Minn have called her a couple of times, last night her actual admission rep called. Do you think that’s a hopeful sign?</p>

<p>Yes, I do think that’s a good sign. No guarantees, but D2 only received calls from students after being accepted and I believe she began contact with AOs when she started making arrangements to visit in the spring. They seemed honestly interested in recruiting Hispanic students and were very accommodating. I was disappointed when she chose to matriculate elsewhere as I thought that she would have had so many opportunities available to her at UMinn.</p>

<p>I’m just another Hispanic kid from Texas daring to dream big. Rising senior. I have a decent GPA of around 3.9 unweighted and got an ACT score of 30 composite in June without any preparation. I’ve been studying this summer and only until I received my ACT score realized that I could have some legitimate potential.</p>

<p>My top schools would have to be Notre Dame and NYU, but it’s still very early in the process. :)</p>

<p>Ricky, Congrats on your ACT and welcome to CC!</p>

<p>Enjoy your summer and be sure to check out the Resources sticky thread at the top of this forum for lots of great information on scholarships, diversity fly-ins and Results from past years.</p>

<p>Ricky congrads on your ACT scores! If you stay in Texas can you go to UT-Austin. We lived in Texas until daughter was in 8th grade and was shocked she didn’t want to go back for college. Have a friends daughter who attends A&M-Galveston (she could have gone anywhere) and she loves it. The school is pretty much a straight science school but she has been able to attend home games in College Station as a A&M student and has had lots of fun her freshman year while maintaining a great gpa, she wants to go to pharmacy school. If you have never been up north please visit us because the winter can be a little bit of a shock just like Texas summers are to others not use to heat.</p>

<p>Thank you very much both! (: I never realized parents were so active and helpful in their children’s search for college. I don’t blame my parents however, they never had these opportunities. They’re just glad I’m getting great marks in school and now I realize just how much that can really amount too. </p>

<p>The farthest North I’ve visited was a week ago, I made it to the national conference for HOSA in Nashville. I realize that isn’t too far North though. Haha Still it was a big journey for a kid from Brownsville, Texas. (:</p>


<p>I was a first gen student too, but college admissions was a lot easier then. You basically applied to an IS public or two and that was pretty much it. Sounds like you have a lot of support at home, that’s the most important thing. We can help you here with the nuts and bolts of college admissions.</p>

<p>If your family is low income, check out the QuestBridge program.</p>

<p>DD has gpa of 3.93 unweigted, 4.4 weighted - she will be a national Hispanic scholar, will possibly make the cutoff for OK for semi-finalist with a 209 this year. 31 on ACT with very minimal prep, but is prepping to take it again. She is looking at A&M, Northeastern, Fordham, and Boston University. We’re trying to get her to a few more schools to tour. Her reach school is Yale. She will have 4 years of volleyball, 3 or 4 years of track, lots of service hours, ok on EC’s. We toured Northeastern and she loved it.</p>

<p>Hispanic son 32 ACT twice, 4.0 GPA, SAT II Spanish 800, MAT II 760, will take Chem in October, lots of good ECs, Wisconsin public high school and has visited the following colleges :
U North Dakota : Nice and cheap but very cold and not prestigious
Colorado School of Mines : Beautiful and a great fit but out of state very expensive
U Tulsa : Beautiful school in a bad part of town, tried to get 33 to apply for full ride, but did not so will not try since it will be too pricey
Vanderbilt : Loved it and will apply
Duke : Loved it and will apply
Johns Hopkins : Did not like the area nor the cut throat attitude he felt there, and felt if he changed his major from engineering it would have been a bad decision. very prestigious though and thought that if it was biomedical engineering for sure, this is the place to be, a great program
Princeton : Loved it and will be his ED
Yale : Liked it but didn’t like the city going through the school, he will still probably apply here cause it is Yale and the academics and good time are without question
May also apply to Rice</p>

<p>^Hi and welcome to CC!</p>

<p>Is your son NHRP? Just asking as it can open up some scholarship opportunities and get him on the radar of some schools. Is he applying for the Chancellor’s/Powers-Knapp at UW-M?</p>

<p>Sounds like he’s getting good look at many different types of colleges and is on his way to developing a nice list of schools.</p>

<p>He missed out by 3 points, honestly his hs did not advise him about how important the PSAT could be and he never studied for it nor gave it much importance. If he had known… He also toured UW madison and it is his safe school, but he did not like it that much due to super size, 6000 students in Engineering, the college is in the middle of the city, weather ( although we live in Green Bay ), it would be the most expensive of all even though he is in state, and didn’t get any scholarships. on the flip side, much prestige and a great engineering program plus lots of his friends will go there. At his hs all the top students go to madison, few look elsewhere, not sure if this will help or hurt his chances.</p>

<p>Yes, unfortunately many schools don’t understand the relevance of standardized testing for admission and scholarships. </p>

<p>I visited UW-M a couple of years ago with D2, it was our spring break but we hit a late season snow storm. Everyone on the tour was anxious to get into the next building and the lake was still frozen. Needless to say, she ended up in SoCal for school and loves the weather :).</p>

<p>what do you think about his chances at Princeton, Yale, Vanderbilt and Duke ? Is there any way to see what the Hispanic acceptance rates are at different schools ?</p>

<p>I’m afraid I don’t do Chances, but I think with his stats that they’re a reasonable part of a balanced list of schools. Hispanic engineers ar relatively rare, so that helps.</p>

<p>No, schools do not break out admissions stats by race/ethnicity. Within the Hispanic pool of candidates, colleges consider other factors, see my post #2 here and the thread I link to for some discussion:</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/hispanic-students/1229462-does-being-hispanic-have-any-impact-all.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/hispanic-students/1229462-does-being-hispanic-have-any-impact-all.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The American Association of Education in Engineering has a publication with college profiles in engineering. Here is the link: [College</a> Profiles: American Society for Engineering Education](<a href=“Page not found”>College Profiles)</p>

<p>Go the current enrollment and you can see exactly how many freshmen latino male/female engineers there are at each school in each discipline. Although it is not complete acceptance data it will at least give you a good idea of numbers. For example for one of my DD’s school she discovered last year there was only 1 latina in mechanical engineering. We interpreted that as a good sign for her admission chances this year since she obviously would be an attractive candidate. In contrast Stanford has rather larger numbers of Latinos in engineering therefore being Latino has less of an advantage there for a student studying engineering. </p>

<p>Another place for data is on [I’m&lt;/a&gt; First!](<a href=“http://www.imfirst.org%5DI’m”>http://www.imfirst.org). click on colleges and then “more facts” it will give you a breakdown as to how many Latinos are at the school. This number although not exact could at least give you an idea as to acceptance. </p>

<p>You also could just write admissions and ask for that information. </p>

<p>Your student is in the running at those schools but be sure to put some affordable safeties and matches on list. With acceptance numbers decreasing you have to be mindful that many well-qualified candidates don’t get accepted. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>itsv, great info thanks, uw madison is his safe school as the other 4 are all very hard to get into.</p>