Hispanic Students-College Class of 2014

<p>Okay, early action decisions are being posted so let's celebrate where our Hispanic Seniors are being accepted. Since it is still "early" in the process, the posted schools may given other latinos seniors additional ideas of where to apply. If you want to post your stats you can do so or leave them off. As a parent, I am very excited to know my child will be in college in the Fall 2010 so I will start the list:</p>

<p>itsv ds: Penn State, Ohio State , Tulane</p>

<p>Still awaiting decisions on a bunch of other schools. If I have posted this incorrectly, then I hope entomom will correct it. Good luck to the other seniors applying and awaiting decisions.</p>

<p>Congrats to S of itsv! </p>

<p>I will sticky this thread and will update it occasionally so that we have a cumulative list of acceptances. Good luck to all!</p>

<p>D was accepted at U of Nebraska and Auburn so far. This is my first post and I owe the parents here so much. I didn’t have a clue in the world about college admissions, the NHRP program or scholarships until we started reading the posts here after a random google search. We visited schools that offered the best non-need based aid for NHRP Scholars, and D loved the south. We are in California, and she didn’t even apply to the UC’s after seeing how nice everyone was at Auburn. </p>

<p>Our HS counselors are very busy, and there is no way we would have gotten the information we needed without you here. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. D is thrilled to be going somewhere that wants her enough to provide a nice scholarship, and I’m thrilled that she can graduate from her undergraduate program without debt.</p>

<p>Entomom, thank you so much. Much joy and relief in our house this week with some acceptances under DS’s belt. He is working on his dream schools apps this week (Yale, NU, UVA and Gtown) so hopefully more good news will be coming our way.</p>

<p>Sherigmon-congrats to your D. I am glad to help with the listing of NHRP schools. I am working on redoing my database with the links so hopefully I will have that posted. Like you we are in Cal and DS only applied to a few UC’s since I am an alumni but no other Cal schools. These NHRP schools have treated our seniors so well and the schools are great so graduating with no debt is a huge plus.</p>

<p>Congrats and welcome to sherigmom!</p>

<p>My neighbor’s DD who is half Columbian got into Stanford EA yesterday. We are all so happy for her. Our street is very excited for our resident seniors (my DS and her DD) since they are going to be going to college and have choices. Yeah!!</p>

<p>DS accepted at Ohio State! What a relief! 2 other apps are completed others still waiting to be finished but I told him the rest is up to him. He has been accepted at a good school and may get aid so I can let him decide what to do with the other applications. BTW…Ohio State’s relentless mailing campaign, their active recruitment of Hispanic Scholars, and good reviews on CC are key factors in why he submitted to OSU.</p>

<p>fineartsmajormom, congratulations to your son. Maybe our sons will go togeather to Ohio State. Did your son apply to the Morrell Scholars Program. My DS did but he will not hear by for awhile. I went with my son back to Ohio State for the “scarlett and great” program. The multicultural office at OSU is excellent and they deserve a lot of cudos to their work at attracting Latinos to Ohio State. It was never on my son’s radar either until they began their campaign. </p>

<p>Okay other good Latino senior news to report. One of my son’s h.s. friends who is Cuban got into Georgetown early decision. Two kids from my son’s LEAD program got into Penn and Georgetown.</p>

<p>I just found the CC Hispanic student group! Wish I knew about this group while going thru the process.</p>

<p>My son will be attending Franklin and Marshall (applied ED)! We’re thrilled. Got a nice FA package. Not sure how being Hispanic played into it (he’s also a recruited athlete and a musician), but the small LAC’s need more diversity, so I’m sure it helped. </p>

<p>Was also accepted with nice merit aid to these schools (will now have to withdraw apps):
Drexel, Elizabethtown, McDaniel, Wilkes, SUNY Brockport</p>

<p>Congrats to all of your kids on their early acceptances!</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone on here! So far, ds is in at Texas A&M, UTulsa and Hendrix College.</p>

<p>My D was recently accepted in Ohio State (my alma mater) - she applied for the Morrill scholarship, Ohio Wesleyan (really like this school), and Willamette. She applied to around 15 colleges, so it will be awhile for her to know for sure where she is going.</p>

<p>I was just accepted to Wellesley ED with a full scholarship! I’m really excited about going there, living right outside of Boston, and getting to take classes at MIT! I also got into UC Irvine, UC Davis, and UC Santa Barbara!</p>

<p>caltennis92: congrats that is fantastic!!</p>

<p>thanks! =)</p>

<p>Did EA to Georgetown SFS and accepted!</p>

<p>hopefully the FA is generous</p>

<p>Ggarcia2014, congratulations. Georgetown is my DS’s #1 reach school. He is finishing his application now so I hope he gets to join you in the fall.</p>

<p>Great news, congratulations to everyone!</p>

<p>Thanks to Entomom & Itsv, I learned about the NHRP thro your helpful postings late in the game (in June) but was lucky to still get named as a scholar. Now I’ve received about 5 full-ride scholarships & 8 full tuition scholarships & many small offers. I only applied to 4 got accepted to OSU, ASU (Barratt), U of Alabama and UCF. Now waiting for decisions from UCLA, UCSD, UC Davis & UC Irvine.</p>

<p>Fantastic results, way to go with the scholarships! Best of luck with the UCs!</p>

<p>Thanks itsv, hope to see your son there next year.
I’ll keep yall posted on my RD decisions that come out in March.</p>