Hispanic Students-College Class of 2014

<p>My D was accepted to New College of Florida today. We are very excited about this because it is a fantastic school and affordable (D’s father lives in Miami, so she receives in state tuition in Florida). </p>

<p>After reading caltennis92’s post on Wellesley the other day, both D and I got intrigued about Wellesley. She had initially said no to all female schools, but upon hearing that she could take classes at MIT and that there are social opportunities with other schools made her perk up some. So I think she may be applying.</p>

<p>susanr64: that’s great that you are looking into Wellesley!!!</p>

Other all women’s schools where she could take courses at other colleges include:</p>

<p>Scripps: The Claremont colleges essentially form a large campus, so going from one school to the other is within walking distance.</p>

<p>Smith/Mt. Holyoke: There’s a shuttle between the other consortium schools; this can be time consuming due to the distance between some of the colleges and could be difficult to schedule classes.</p>

<p>Bryn Mawr: Can take courses at Swat, Haverford and Penn; shuttle to Swat, might have to take public transportation to the others.</p>

<p>My DS got into Northeastern University with an award of the excellence scholarship of $14K a year plus Honors College. Luckily that happened last night because this morning he got deferred at Villanova. He was nominated for a presidential scholarship so now he has to write 7 essay without knowing if he will be accepted or not. Shows how strange the college application process is, my local admin rep from Villanova met with DS privately for an hour when she was in town and no one else from his school got that invite. Villanova’s multicultural office was very aggressive and he met with their rep last week when she was in town. The deferral was written very encouragingly and I have no idea how many get deferred who eventually get accepts. DS had been 4 for 4. In typical parent fashion, he is taking the news great, “don’t worry mom I’ll just get in during regular decision” while I as his parent am taking it badly, “how dare they…” </p>

<p>For others hearing soon, Good Luck, I’ll be saying prayers for all of you. itsv</p>

Congrats to your S on NEU, a great school in a great city. Sorry to hear about the deferral, that makes it particularly tough to get enthused about writing 7 essays, yikes that’s a lot! Sounds like he has an excellent attitude though, that must make you proud!</p>

<p>congrats to all!</p>

<p>Brown University 2014! got accepted, cant even describe</p>

<p>itsv DS: Gonzaga University, named a Regent Scholar with a $48K merit scholarship.</p>

<p>Fordham University - National Hispanic Scholar - free tuition scholarship 4 years!!!</p>

<p>Congrats and GL to all!</p>

<p>Congratulations to all, have a wonderful holiday season, and best of luck in the spring!</p>

<p>Just found this thread today!</p>

<p>Cubana from florida, got into Yale last week! I can’t even describe how happy I am :D</p>

<p>congrats bubblegnome!</p>

<p>Congrats to all! My DD was accepted to Auburn in October. We visited last summer, she fell in love with it, and she wouldn’t apply to another school. We live in Texas, so we visited Texas and Oklahoma schools, but she didn’t like any of them. I really encouraged her to visit and apply to several other schools, especially Nebraska and Ohio State. Then Auburn invited her to their Presidential Scholars Day and we attended. She was even more convinced that Auburn is the place for her. They were wonderful and very generous. While we were there, we paid her acceptance fee. She has since sent her acceptance to the honor’s college as well.<br>
I know this post is getting lengthy, but to those interested in Ohio State: My son is a junior there. His experience has been great! If you don’t mind the cold (my daughter does), I highly encourage your seniors to give it great consideration.</p>

<p>We are so relieved and delighted for our Son who most likely will attend Colorado College ~
His acceptance was ‘Early Action’ as distinct from Early Admit (so he is not committed)
BUT the Letter came very early (almost two weeks ago now, Ithink) no maybe just one week ago.</p>

<p>PLEASE does anyone have any ideas re Harvard College Admissions ?</p>

<p>He was invited to meet with a Graduate of Harvard in WASH DC METRO !</p>

<p>And we pray this is a good sign of their serious interest ? Thank U !</p>

<p>iggypop, congratulations to your son (and to you too). Nice Christmas present. One of mine is a freshman at Colorado College and absolutely loves it. I hope your son will decide to attend. If the college notified him this early, it means they are especially interested in him (because most EA letters do not go out until January).</p>

<p>I guess Harvard is pretty good too, though :)</p>

<p>Accepted to Fordham and University of Arizona so far :slight_smile:
U of Arizona was Honors + full OOS tuition award since I’m a NHS</p>

<p>Congrats to all!</p>

Any word on merit aid at Colorado College, do you know when they notify about the Barnes scholarship?</p>

<p>Hi everybody! First time posting here. Congrats to all of you who already got accepted! I myself am waiting for a bunch of schools, but kinda scared because I didn’t give my self enough safeties. Time will tell…</p>

<p>Peruvian from Florida, got into MIT & Georgia Tech. Waiting on UF, UC Berkeley, and UT Austin but MIT is my #1 choice. Now time to finish those financial aid forms.</p>