Hispanic Students-College Class of 2014

<p>hi everyone! i’m mexican from ohio (sort of, i’ve changed schools three times), go to school in india
fam income is less than 100,000; both parents have graduate degrees, but my dad is unemployed
SAT 2010 (CR 710 M 600) taking it again in jan, will report back when i have all of my decisions
GPA 3.8 UW (top 10-20%, school doesn’t rank though)
AP: Gov and Pol, 5; English Lang, 5
SAT II: Spanish, 760 : (; lit, 700; bio E 700
Lots of EC’s (especially music, theater, writing, and politics), five leadhership positions, started two clubs
lots of community service as well</p>

<p>i got rejected from yale (SCEA) and was accepted at pittsburgh and the college of wooster, but will post back when i hear from georgetown, uchicago, kenyon, middlebury, vassar, new college of florida, and emory!</p>

<p>My DS got into Bentley University with a Presidential Scholarship of around $46K so his score is 6-0-1(deferred at Villanova) He has gotten into his all of his safety and middle schools and is waiting on hearing from his dream schools of Yale, Georgetown, Northwestern, UVA, Vanderbilt and Stanford. He has applied to the UC’s but with recent new releases, the odds of him going there seem unlikely. At least he has some money for college. Good luck to everyone, now the tough waiting until April 1 begins.</p>

<p>wthalexis1: wow, im also a Peruvian (from Texas) and got into MIT EA as well! Still waiting to hear from Harvard, Princeton, Yale and Stanford</p>

<p>I got the scholarship and acceptance to U of Arizona and into Fordham but just heard back from Bowdoin ED II today! I’ll be there next fall!</p>

<p>Cuban in Miami, Fl.</p>

<p>4.95 weighted GPA (top 2% out of 526)
2060 SAT (680 CR; 690 M; 690 W)
680 Chem SATII</p>

U of Pittsburgh’s Honors College
Penn State
Burnett Honors College (UCF)
University of Florida</p>

Carnegie Mellon
U of Miami
UI at Urbana

<p>deferred from brown ed, but got into wesleyan ed2 on friday!!! so excited!!!</p>

<p>Congrats… When one door closes, another opens!!</p>

<p>Mexican-American from TX
Rank: 3/769
Sat: 2220 (superscored) CR: 740 M: 730 W: 750
Sat II: French - 710, Math lvl2 - 740, USH - 760</p>

<p>National Merit Hispanic Scholar
National Merit Commended
AP Scholar w/honor</p>

3 yrs soccer (jv captain, varsity letter)
Junior State of America
French Club
Environmental Club
200ish hours of community service</p>

UT Austin Deans Scholars
Rice (likely from Vision program)
Duke (University Scholar finalist)</p>

WashU in St. Louis

<p>good luck to everyone!!!</p>

<p>Excellent schools to chose from already! Best of luck in April.</p>

<p>My DS got into UCIrvine on Weds and about 3 weeks ago got into University of Arizona with a 100K scholarship so his “score” as he says is 8-0-1. Three more weeks until he hears from his dream schools. Good luck to everyone. itsv</p>

<p>Just thought I’d update, I’ve been accepted to Wash U and I also got a call about early admission to HARVARD! I feel sooooo lucky. Good luck to everyone else I hope you end up somewhere amazing :)</p>

<p>Congratulations!!! That is so wonderful!</p>

<p>Time for a bump! S in at WUSTL, RIT, VCU, OSU, SAIC and UW-Madison. Still waiting on a couple more but very pleased since all but WUSTL are within budget range. RIT came through with merit aid for Hispanic Scholar! We’re going to accepted student reception because we have never met anyone who went to RIT. Any info here?</p>

<p>Great news, congrats to everyone!</p>

<p>famm, did your S apply to the Chancellor’s at UWisconsin?</p>

<p>He has been asked to submit an art scholarship application. Don’t know about chancellor’s – we are OOS. Money will be a big hurdle because while he loved Madison, OSU and VCU have been very generous so far. Even RIT is cheaper than Wisconsin at this point. He felt very comfortable in Madison and liked the art people a lot so we will just have to wait and see. Mainly he is just sooo burned out I feel like I am beating an worn out work horse when I remind him to apply for honors or another scholarship. He silently nods and turns those tired eyes on me and I just feel awful. He is absolutely exhausted…IB oral and written exams for spanish native speakers started last week and go through next week along with 3rd quarter finals next week and mock APs/IBs. Oh…and IB portfolio due tomorrow at 5pm…he was still working on a piece at 3am this morning. College will be a breeze after this…</p>

<p>Best of luck to your S on the art scholarship! I understand, people wonder why kids don’t apply for every scholarship under the sun, but the essays are killers, they all ask for something different. I asked about the Chancellor’s at it’s likely D2s only chance to attend UW, which is OOS for us too. Hang in there!</p>

<p>Update for my DS. He got into UCI and American University. American included honors college and a $80K merit scholarship. He got his first rejection-where I went to law school! UCLA!!- DS was upset until he ran into neighbor the next day. This neighbor is an incredible student, hispanic and got into Stanford SCEA. She too got rejected from UCLA!!</p>

<p>So DS’s score is 9-1-1. He will hear from Cal, Villanova, USC, Vanderbilt, Yale, Georgetown, UVA, Northwestern and Stanford. I have become a nervous wreck. </p>

<p>He has received flyback offers to visit the following schools on their dime at Penn State, Ohio State, American and one other place I can’t remember right now.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone. I know you all have worked very hard and I know you all will end up at the right place. itsv.</p>

<p>My S also has an invite to OSU, but it falls precisely on IB Art exam day. Not a possibility and he only applied because I saw it as a good alternative to UW with more chance of merit aid. It is at the absolute bottom of his list mainly because it is an unknown. I would love for him to visit…we will try the accepted student reception nearby but I doubt if any other artsy kids will be there and all the talk of March madness even if Ohio is out by then will probably be a major turnoff. I just have this hunch that OSU could “have been a contender”…Any hope of anyone knowing an art student there? Tried the arts forum and met with silence…</p>

<p>ITSV- with all the status changes going on with USC - what does your son have? we have had the " we have received the Fall grades status for a very long time? hmmm?</p>


<p>here is ds’s usc status:
Your application is being reviewed by the admission committee. We will mail notification of their decision by April 1. If for some reason you don’t receive our written notice, we will be happy to provide the results over the phone beginning April 11th.</p>

<p>It has been that for a long time. Last Saturday, some students here in San Diego got theri acceptances including a Latino student we know with higher SAT and grades then my DS. I have been told that more letters are being sent today so hopefully he will get something tomorrow. I will post here if he does.</p>

<p>On other news, after being defered EA, my DS got into Villanova Business Yeah!!. To his father and I we are thrilled because that lousy hs counselor that DS has told us he had no chance at Villanova. So take that Mrs. C!!!</p>

<p>Okay you can tell I am still am taking her anti-latino recruitment comments personally.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone. I know the next few weeks will be difficult but I am sure everyone will get in to where they want to go. </p>
