Hispanic Test Scores and admit rate?

<p>Does anyone know the range of the SAT or ACT scores for Hispanics applying to Ivies or any other good schools? Also does anyone know anything about how their admit rate compares to normal applicants? Is it worth going to a college's diversity days and does it affect the admission process in anyway? Lastly, Dartmouth is my first choice and I was wondering if they had a diversity day. Thanks</p>



<p>There is no data on this that I know of, the best way to get some idea is to look at past Results threads for colleges you are interested in. In general, don’t expect to get a ‘bump’ in test scores unless you are somehow disadvantaged: low SES, overcome obstacles, etc. And even then, there will be a minimum, about 600 per section, under which the selective colleges won’t go because the student would have a difficult time succeeding academically. For non-disadvantaged Hispanics, expect to have the same stats as other competitive candidates. The advantage of a high stat Hispanic is that they often get into several selective colleges.</p>



<p>It’s worth it if you’re interested in the college. You can see if you like it and at the same time show interest. How much it affects admission likely varies with the college. Some colleges will waive application fees if you attend, or even just apply (eg. Amherst)</p>



<p>Yes, but I believe it was this summer:</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/770660-fall-diversity-visit-programs-compilation.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/770660-fall-diversity-visit-programs-compilation.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Here is the link to the common data set for Dartmouth</p>

<p>[Common</a> Data Set](<a href=“This Page Has Moved”>Common Data Set)</p>

<p>It will not answer your questions directly, but it will give you a picture of the 09-10 freshman class in terms of test scores, etc. Their middle 50th percentiles are all in the 660-780 range (with some variation) for each SAT section. In their data set they say ethnicity is “considered” but not important. </p>

<p>Tests are only one part of the application, and I suspect bad essays keep a lot of kids with high scores/GPAs out of certain colleges and universities. But you can get a sense of where you stand in relation to tests by looking at the middle 50th percentile. If your SAT scores are above 670, you’re competitive (in terms of tests). According to the data, only 7 percent have test scores below 600.</p>

<p>There is a Latino poster on cc under the user name “Monroylobo” who I think is now a soph. at Dartmouth. He used to post a lot and here is one of his on Dartmouth.</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/692435-three-schools-financial-dilemma-give-me-some-advice.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/692435-three-schools-financial-dilemma-give-me-some-advice.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I see that he still posts on CC so I would send him a pm and ask for his impressions etc. I believe he did do a diversity visit at Dartmouth so he may have some insight.</p>