Historical Midwest boarding school cutoffs?

Does anyone know how to find out the historical cutoffs for NMSF status for boarding schools? My son is a day student at a boarding school in Ohio. Based on historical data, his 218 PSAT looks like it would qualify him in Ohio. But now I understand boarding schools operate differently and tend to have higher cutoffs. But I’ve been unable to find this information. I know he won’t know for sure until next September, but would love to know if he has a chance based on what’s happened in the past.

If the school is WRA and you live in Ohio, then to my knowledge the cutoff should be around 219 or 220.

According to the NMSF brochure for last year, boarding schools required between 218 and 223. It doesn’t say which states are in each region, though, so that makes it a little tougher. Michigan was 218 and Illinois was 219. It’s just a matter of where those dividing lines are and who is setting your ceiling. Do you know that? (Your school can probably tell you.)

Yes, that’s it. Too bad!

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I don’t know 100% though so you should probably still make sure with the school. I was just speaking from past knowledge.