Hitting the 'Submit' button felt so good

<p>Would anyone else who finished their app like to rejoice with me? :)</p>

<p>yes, it felt great.</p>

<p>I felt it was anticlimactic...and now I'm incredibly stressed out. Boo for waiting four months for a decision. Lol.</p>

<p>At least its in though. So I guess I can nervously go about my other business.</p>

<p>Yeah forgottenhawk, I feel kind of nervous about it as well.</p>

<p>But I feel a lot less stressed because my workload has decreased significantly. Now I can focus on trying not to slack off. And on my RD apps.</p>

<p>YAY us for submitting our apps :)</p>

<p>Additionally, I'm not taking the SATs this Saturday. So I can go visit the local Flea Market and other fun stuff like that.</p>

<p>Yeah, it felt good. I finished about a week and a half ago and now I see a lot of my friends struggling to finish up their essays. One of the very few times I did not procrastinate, and oh did it feel good :)</p>

<p>I submitted my application on the 2nd of November and it felt good, simply because I realized and understood that by hitting that submit button then that I'd have nothing else to worry about. I felt that the most stressful aspect about college admissions was simply the factor of mailing things in; it's out of your control and person and you are sort of left in the dark for a few weeks until your school acknowledges that they've received it. It was a little nerve wracking, as I always stressing out about it.</p>

<p>NO. it felt horrible. It felt like my fate was sealed and i couldnt change it anymore.
and i found out i made one typo on my personal statement =/ doh</p>


<p>Wait til' mid-March... the anxiety is going to kill you. Especially when/if a UC delays their admissions notifications or/and sends out their notifications in the afternoon while you're in class..or hearing from your friends they got accepted/rejected during class and you had no idea the notifications had been released (omg that one has got to be one of the worst)..or having your friends be accepted but your admissions page hasn't changed at all (UC Irvine specifically =P) and lastly, refreshing the admissions page every hour/minute/second of the day hoping it'll come up</p>

<p>..I loved how we started a chat room on AIM for UC Davis admissions, which were released at 12AM</p>

<p>Ohh, those high school senior days =D</p>

<p>The stress has increased! I'm a wreck..thinking oh..maybe I should take that final ACT..maybe I should have corrected this and that..OH NO
when will it end??</p>