hmmm.... can anyone reassure me for a sec?

<p>hey... i'm soooo nervous about next week and scared *****less, really.
you guys probably remember my sat v and w were not way up there (600 and 610), but (!) my TOEFL was 112/120 which is not that bad, right? considering the fact english is not my native language (although i learned english when i was 3-4 and by 6 was speaking fluently, does reading HP 6 in under 12 hours and HP 7 in other 14 can qualify as v 700+? lol...).
oh and i was sooooooooo not focused during my sats.......
fyi, didn't share this before, exactly one week before the sats, when my dad picked me from the bus station (got home from my base), he told me that a childhood friend's body was found during the noon and they didn't want to stress me until it was sure it is him. by the next morning it was in the paper and i went to his funeral (it was Rosh Hashana night, jewish new years eve).
he killed himself by jumping off a 100m bridge over grades basically, and the guy was a total genious (math, physics - you name it), and for the next half a month i was a wreck, i couldn't pass near a high building without going into a mini panic attack and crying for an hour.
so i took the sats in quite a state and on relaxing drugs, herbal ones not drug-drugs so i won't freak out during the exam (yeah and passed near a high building on the way back to my sister's home, i ran like 2 miles to get to her home and cry my eyes out).
i never shared the panic attack thing with anyone, not even my parents.</p>

<p>I’m sorry about your loss. That sounds truly traumatizing… Four-and-a-half days left, though. It’s a lottery. Keep calm. If anything, look back to your experiences to remind yourself what really matters in life - health, family, the possibility to continue your higher education <em>somewhere</em> and contribute something. Ivies aren’t the be-all-end-all. You did the best you could, now all you can do is hope, and if it doesn’t work out? Too bad! You’ll thrive somewhere else, I’m sure. :)</p>

<p>I agree with India; you’ll make it somewhere, you have a good chance. im really sorry about your loss…
good luck! & dont lose hope</p>

<p>^ To your username, I say “TENNIS!”.</p>

<p>You’ll do well wherever you go :slight_smile:
As long as you did your best in the circumstances, accept whatever comes along gracefully :)</p>