Ho Center Caveat

<p>It seems like a frequent response here to potential students wondering about opportunities and advantages of studying science at Colgate is to point out the new Ho Science Center, scheduled to open next year. While I don't know any more about it than anyone else here, it might be instructive to note that the Colgate website says it is intended as an interdisciplinary science center whose genesis came from the fact that Lathrop Hall, which presently houses the departments of physics and astronomy and geology, can no longer provide adequate space to support the two nationally recognized programs. And that it was felt that teaching in emerging fields of multidisciplinary science, such as biophysics and astrogeophysics can’t be done effectively within the current building.</p>

<p>The Ho center will apparently house the environmental studies, geography, geology, and physics and astronomy departments and programs, and part of the biology department.</p>

<p>Thus, whether or not anyone will have classes or labs there may well be dependent on which area(s) of science they intend to study.</p>