Hokie Bird meaning

<p>I got accepted into Virginia Tech yesterday as a Bio major and I spent half my time on this forum before yesterday researching for signs that I'll get in. I came across several posts about the Hokie Bird on my account, and some said it means nothing while others said it indicated acceptance. I know for a fact that every student who applied for the FAFSA who had the Hokie bird either got accepted or wait listed. Chances are, if you have the Hokie Bird on your page next year, it's a good indicator of the above two options. I still haven't heard of anyone who had it and was flat out rejected. This isn't meant to boost someone's hopes up and then kill them, but I know it made me feel a lot better knowing it was at least somewhat of a positive indicator. Good luck to all of you and let's go Hokies!!!</p>

<p>I’m iffy on the meaning, too. I had the HokieBird on my application and was accepted. My friend didn’t have it and still got accepted. </p>

<p>She probably didn’t apply for financial aid </p>

<p>She did submit her FAFSA</p>