Hokie Bird

<p>I'm a transfer applicant and I was looking at my application summary today and I saw that I had the famous Hokie bird. I don't want to get my hopes up and stuff, but I've heard that the Hokie bird basically means you're accepted. However, it's still mid-january which is quite early. What do you guys think?</p>

<p>I think that’s AWESOME and that you should stop worrying. Where are you transferring from?</p>

<p>ALSO I read pretty much the entire transfer thread from last year and no one got the hokie bird and got rejected, soo…</p>

<p>@juliaxbarnes I’m transferring from VCU</p>

<p>Oh wow, me too!</p>

<p>Ahhh the good old hokie bird… It most likely means your in… I got the hokie bird last year and was officially accepted a few weeks later… good Luck</p>

<p>Hey where is the Hokie Bird even located? And cityboii when did you send in your application?</p>

<p>@techforever I sent in my application right after New Years, and they got my transcripts and stuff within the first week of January. The Hokie Bird appears right over my application summary, and it says “your transfer credit evaluation may be complete. Check here for specific details.”</p>

<p>It means you’re in. Congrats.</p>

<p>I dug through 3 years of CC threads regarding the bird showing up on the login page and can only find good outcomes. My S got the hokie bird this past week too and we are extremely optimistic! :slight_smile: (transfer app. sent on Jan. 4 and all transcripts were in that same week). Crossing my fingers for both of you --VT is his #1 choice!</p>

<p>Does the Hokie Bird only apply to transfer apps?</p>

<p>@jkiwmom thanks for the support! I wish your S the best!</p>

<p>@granipic I’m almost positive the Hokie Bird only pertains to transfer apps</p>

<p>Hey guys Im a current student at NVCC and I applied for transfer to tech. I got the hokie bird on my application next to “you may have financial aid” but today the bird got replaced with a red flag. Anyone know what a red flag indicates? I’m guessing its not good…</p>

<p>The same thing happened to me. I brought this up in another thread as well. Does anyone have any feedback? Has this happened to anyone else?</p>