red flag?

<p>Hey guys so I got the hokie bird on my application next to "you may have financial aid" a couple weeks ago but I just checked and the bird is gone and instead a red flag picture is there. Does anyone know what this red flag indicates? </p>

<p>I noticed the same thing on mine today as well. I would also like to know what this means. I imagine you haven’t been accepted/rejected yet either? Are you transferring?</p>

<p>Tech123/Almris, I am an accepted transfer student and the two locations that I use to have the Hokie Bird, Financial Aid and Transfer Evaluation, have been replaced with the red flag. Perhaps they have replaced the Hokie Bird with the red flag as a means to draw your attention. </p>

<p>Thanks rjldm25, that puts my mind at ease somewhat. Here’s hoping it is just notifying me that my application is finally being evaluated. </p>

<p>Nothing negative. </p>

<p>@Tech123 I emailed financial aid, and they said the red flag means nothing. I’d bet it does, they just don’t want to say what.</p>