Holds? I'm a new student!

<p>I'm enrolling in the college of science for the class of 2011 and when i went to look at my course schedule and registration of classes, I was surprised to find out I have holds. I have paid all my application fees and so forth and the holds displayed don't make any sense to me or my parents.</p>

<p>I was wondering if the college of science has generated holds for all their students so they can't register for classes right now (cause of unknown open classes or what not), but if it's just me I wondering if anyone knows what these holds are for:</p>

<p>Hold Type Amount Reason OriginatorProcesses Affected
Dean, Col of Science NEW STUDENT UniversityRegistrarRegistration<br>
New Student Registration New Student University Registrar Registration</p>

<p>As you can see there is no amount listed and the reason is because I'm a new student? I don't mean to sound rude, or whiny, but i'm really concerned that I will not get the courses I need if I don't get this settled. I'm hoping i'm not the only one with this problem, but if I am I need your help.</p>

<p>I have the same thing coming up on my account, except I'm an entering freshman in engineering. I dont really know why this comes up, but it may be that the College of Sciences and the College of Engineering hold class registration during orientation? Can anyone say if that's the casse or not?</p>

<p>I'm pretty sure this is just for the sciences and engineering, since we know people in Business and university studies that already have their schedules. If anything, you may have your english class already assigned. In Hokie Spa, go to Registration and Schedule, then view your General Student Information, look at the top of that page and it may say (in blue) "Orientation Information". </p>

<p>I remember reading that course registration takes place with an advisor on the 2nd day of orientation, but this doesn't explain why those in business and uni studies already have theirs. If you have any questions about getting the classes you want (esp if your orientation session isn't til the end), I guess you could always call. If you do, post the response, please!</p>

<p>Thanks Zimmer
Ive already been assigned an English class.</p>

<p>yea, I have the last available orientation date (vacationing through most of it) so I was planning on reserving or registering online or calling the school. Thanks for the help Zimmer.</p>

<p>My son had the same "holds" on accounts. I called a few weeks ago and they said that will appear until he attends orientation and final transcript arrives from high school. Guess when you get class schedule, it "goes away". Son has not attended orientation yet, but his classes are all scheduled, so holds no longer appears on SPA.</p>

<p>septembermom what college is your son in?and...</p>

<p>Did your son register his classes online or were they all chosen for himm automatically?(minus a few electives of course)</p>

<p>thanks for the help</p>

<p>Hi Menehune,
Son is a finance major (Pamplin). He had "pre-registered" for his English and Science courses back in June (I think deadline for him was June 8th). He was assigned his Intro. to Business course, Calc., English and Science and found this out on Hokie SPA last week. He still needs to choose one more course and I think will do this at orientation. I believe he tried to do this online last week and he was not able to. Hope this info. helps.</p>