Holy Cross RD 2024

Hi Everyone! I thought I’d start this thread for Holy Cross RD(I haven’t seen one like this on here). Are decisions supposed to come out today(3/14)? Also, once they do feel free to post stats etc below!

They said mid March. Hopefully this week.

emailed admissions and they come out the 21st

Thank you! The waiting is excruciating.

Do they email decisions? I read on some other thread that they call…

Son waitlisted.
SAT 1460
GPA UW 3.75
Strong recs, essays, ECs
Great interview

Not going to attend as there will be no aid besides Federal loans and work study for waitlist acceptants.


SAT 1510
uwGPA 4.0
Strong recs, ECs and Essays

Very glad to have this school as an option!

Accepted w 20k/year

My son was accepted but no mention of merit. @Luckyjade2024 was your scholarship on the acceptance letter? Congrats!!


  • 1320 sat
  • 4.4w GPA
  • no interview (but there were problems getting one for me)
  • strong supplement
  • very strong EC

Act- 30
Showed lots of demonstrated interest including interview, great extracurriculars/community involved, strong rec letters, recieved Faber scholarship and need based aid

it was at the link below the letter…click on aid and grants/scholarshp


GPA: 3.4 UW / 4.1 W
SAT: 1450

Lots of amazing EC’s, great LOR’s, stunning essays, brilliant personal statement.

No aid.

Accepted w/ Magis Scholarship (20k/year)
GPA W: 4.66
ACT: 33

DD accepted with 20K scholarship!!

4.8 WGPA
32 ACT
Plus, assorted EC’s with leadership, awards and LOTS of demonstrated interest (Open House, went to visit campus twice to see a friend who goes there, local interview, parent letter of reco and participated in a couple of their live chats). This was one of her top two choices. Decisions to be made now.

Congrats to all!

Magis Scholarship? Has anyone ever heard of that scholarship before? Last year the max merit was 10k.

Anyone evaluating Holy Cross and Trinity College?

@suzyQ7 I believe I read on HC’s website that it is new this year

Accepted! Holy Cross class of 2024!
20k merit scholarship.

SAT: 1270, ACT: 27
Weighted gpa: 4.4 at public high school
First generation, 200 hours at local hospital, 60 college credits
Showed a lot of interest (interview, tour, online chats)
So happy!! Congrats everyone

@LC919 Son was waitlisted at HC but admitted to Trinity. We can’t consider HC because for waitlist they only give federal aid (loans) and that won’t cut it. However, I do know that my son prefer Holy Cross campus to Trinity’s ( I liked them both for different reasons). He liked the location in Worcester (family from Worcester) better than Hartford. The only thing about HC he liked less was the single sex dorm room floors and being locked out of every floor but his own and having to petition the dean (?) for overnight visitors from other colleges. He’s more liberal than that. He may have chose HC over Trinity if those were his only choices, but I can’t say. I’m just repeating his feelings after touring an interviewing at each college. (PS he is Catholic so the Catholic aspect does not bother him and HC seemed pretty welcoming of all faiths)