Home from move in

<p>Hi all - we left after orientation stuff Sat PM as H has to work today :(</p>

<p>We had a great move in experience as daughter (shall I call her Cane Girl??) and I went down early - she for "Band Camp", me to do the running around!</p>

<p>Move in Monday was a breeze - just marching band kids, so we parked right at Stanford, grabbed a cart, and were in in no time. Target and BBB have been well stocked, but I did learn that things disappear when the overnight crew comes in - if there's something you want, get it when you see it! </p>

<p>Band Camp was a great experience for D - she was a bit overwhelmed until she got to the band room and the familiar feel of that particular comaraderie - it seems band kids (and sax players in particular) are the same no matter where they're from :) They worked every day from 9 AM to 9 PM, then did
fun 'bonding' things - she had a new group of friends within a day or two, and when the real move in day arrived she was thrilled to be able to direct the dazed and confused newcomers.</p>

<p>Aside from the (of course) record breaking heat, it was a great week and I had so much time getting to know the area that I feel much better leaving her (far from home base). I feel like an expert now - lots of shopping, restaurants, even did a bit of hotel hopping... ready to answer any questions!</p>

<p>Welcome home ctmom....and welcome to the "CaneClub" parenting Chapter #1. LOL :)</p>

<p>Thanks 1tcm! So far, she's called me 4 times today!!
No problems, just checking in and keeping me updated :)</p>

<p>We just got back this afternoon-What a great trip!</p>

<p>H, S2, S3 and I spent the first part of the week at the beach in Sunny Isles. It was beautiful and very relaxing. There was a nearby BB&B, LNT and Target. We also went to the Aventura Mall and got most of our shopping done nights on our way to dinner. We made one trip to Dadeland Station to order the fridge and micro. Once the stuff was bought I was able to completely relax and enjoy myself. S1 flew down to meet us on Wed.</p>

<p>On Thurs. we changed hotels. The plan was to stay on Key Biscayne, closer to UM. H made 2 trips between Sunny Isles and Key Biscayne-one with all our stuff, and one with all our people. After our shopping trips, we no longer all fit in the Explorer. Unfortunately after we checked into the hotel we realized that this was not what we expected-the beach by the hotel was not nice-and we didn't want to leave the other 2 boys here during the move-in. They would have been bored to tears So we check-out an hour later after getting on-line and finding a place on South Beach. H makes 2 more trips to move us and the stuff-this was not his favorite day-but we wound up at a great hotel and everyone was happy in the end.</p>

<p>Move-in is Friday AM, first group. We arrive at UM about 9:00. We took a couple of passes thru the temp lot and were able to find a spot. He was in and all set up by 11:00-very easy. Cane card , checking acct, trip to the bookstore, orientation sign-up, IT setup (laptop had to be left overnight due to anti-virus glitch) and lunch followed-all relatively smoothly. The 3 of us went back to the hotel to pick-up the other boys and bring them back to campus around 3:00. We got back to UM around 5:00 and gave the brothers a campus tour. They cannot believe where S2 will be going to school-they were in awe. When we got back to the dorm, roommate was just finishing moving in. The kids started interacting like they were old friends and made plans to meet up after dinner with their respective families. We had dinner in Coconut Grove and then dropped S back off on campus. The smile on his face when he got out of the car was worth a million.</p>

<p>Saturday, we stocked the kids' fridge and attended the parent's orientation. The brothers hung out at the beach and hotel. S found his way to the beach with roommate and roommate's friend whose dad drove them! We picked up his laptop from IT and delivered it to him when he returned before the Cane Kickoff. We also helped them get the wood for the lofts they were having built. Tired and sweaty, we went back to the hotel for a nice swim and dinner.</p>

<p>Sunday we attended the President's brunch, although we were late due to the exhaustion that was setting in. We took the other 2 boys on a shopping spree in the bookstore, then met up with S just before noon to say our final goodbyes. Slightly teary, we parted, but I am so comfortable and excited about UM, that I was glad to see him settling in as a Cane. I feel as if he is in good hands. We spent the rest of the day relaxing at the beach and returned home today. The tears really hit as we were taking off.</p>

<p>I continue to be thrilled with UM and have only positive things to say about our experience. I love this school more and more everytime I go there. S just called to tell me all about the BBQ at Pres Shalala's and about how some football players knocked on their door to introduce themselves last night. He says they were the biggest people he has ever seen and were so nice. He's having the time of his life and can't wait to start classes.</p>

<p>I think our kids are very lucky and have some great opportunities ahead of them. I hope they all reach for the stars.</p>

<p>Welcome back my-3-s! Glad your trip went well!<br>
We also did the 3 hotel route :) My preference is the Holiday Inn, but those rooms are hard to get.</p>

<p>My D had a similar reaction to the football players - they ate with the marching band kids during band camp week - she couldn't believe how big they are! (and how much they eat!! they make food choices with the team nutritionist). A highlight of last week was when football coach Larry Coker joined them at rehearsal and spent about 1/2 hour talking with them and answering questions about the team:)</p>

<p>ctmom-The band kids actually walked past us this weekend and I was sooo tempted to ask if any of the them were ctmom's daughter, but I held back knowing that my kids would die if that happened to them.:)</p>

<p>Funny you should mention Larry Coker. When S called tonight he said that he met him at the BBQ and was able to speak with him for a few seconds. It was definitely a hightlight.</p>

<p>S got his schedule and met with his advisor who informed him that Biochem is very tough and will probably warrant some summer courses to finish in 4 years. He hasn't even had one class and we're already adding extra time.:eek: The upside is that he loved hearing about the biochem program and is more gung-ho than ever.</p>

<p>His schedule is Chem, Calculus, English, Spanish and UMX. Full days starting at 8 om MWF and very light TTh starting at around 11. He seems happy except for the 5-6:30 Fri lab.</p>